Apurina Awiry
A gentle Rapé without the use of fermented Tabaco. It is made by the Apurina tribe. Apurina Awiry contains wild raw green Tabaco and no ashes, and therefore it is good for users that prefer the cleansing without the powerful effects of Tabaco. |
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Apurina Awiry Purus
Apurina Awiri Purus has a flowery scent and literally smells like being in the middle of the jungle. Very opening and deeply subtle.A gentle Rapé without the use of fermented Tabaco, made by the Apurina tribe. Apurina Awiry contains wild raw green Tabaco and no ashes, and therefore it is good for users that prefer the cleansing without the powerful effects of Tabaco. |
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Arara Sanu
Arara Sanu Rapé is immediately recognizable by its fine, grey appearance, thanks to the high content of Tsunu ashes. The ashes are expertly combined with Moi Tabaco, a traditional and aromatic Tabaco used by various indigenous tribes. |
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Clarity 8.0 offers an ethereal, sparkling fresh, and pungent yet earthy and grounding flavor. It leaves a lasting olfactory memory with a uniquely sweet chocolate aftertaste. The initial impact is strong and slicing, and it is recommended to use it with moderation, especially for those new to Rapé, as large doses can be intense and shocking. |
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Huichol Tagetes lucida
This Rapé blend came from a Katukina collaboration between our Brazilian friends and our network of sacred herbs. A nice blend of Corda and Moi Tabaco and Parica ashes, infused with the power of the Huicholi herb called Tagetes Lucida (Mexican Tarragon). The Zapotecs use Tagetes as a primary herb in purification rituals. "Lucida" means: "shining" or "clear". |
Katukina Bobinsana
Katukina Bobinsana is not a true tribal Rapè, instead produced on our request by a close friend and supplier in Acre, Brazil, using ingredients obtained from tribal sources. We wanted to create a Rapè imbued with the properties of Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia). This Rapè combines Arapiraca Corda Tabaco, Tsunu ashes and Bobinsana herb to create a unique heart opening blend |
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Katukina Eucalypto
This is another fine offering from Chief Fernando of the Katukina tribe. Katukina Eucalypto is made using ashes from the Pau Pereira tree with the addition of a subtle amount of Eucalyptus ashes giving this Rapè a clean and clearing aroma and effect. |
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Katukina Guayusa
Katukina Guayusa is a trans-continental blend, mixing Brazilian Rapé with the Ecuadorian Guayusa plant. The producer of this Rapé added this unique ingredient to a Xixá, Paricá and Arapiraca string Tabaco, to produce a very energetic blend. The caffeine in the Guayusa makes this an energetic mixture, good for working hard, exercise, or staying up late. |
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Katukina Menta
Katukina Menta. It is made with a mixture of organic regional Moi Tabaco and the more potent Corda Tabaco and Tsunu ashes giving a well-balanced base. For the mint they used a mixture of natural mint leaves, crystal menthol and a dab of mint essential oil for the final touch. |
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Katukina Menthol
Being of very high frequency itself, the cooling and slicing effect of this Rapè blend clears away all blockages built up by ones daily life. Menthol supports the breathing channels, allowing deep inhalations and greater oxygen intake. |
Katukina Mulateiro
This Rapé is a very fine powder that has a light brown appearance. It provides a sharp initial sensation that has a tendency to immediately make the eyes water. The mind is released of thoughts and one is brought into a peaceful space with a high level of focus. |
Katukina Mulungu
This Rapé was made with the seeds and ashes of the Mulungu tree as they call it. It is a local sub species of the Mulungu or Coral Tree. It is a great choice for a beginner or a more experienced user that is looking for something more relaxing than intense. It gently tunes one into a more receptive state and doesn't overwhelm one physically leaving the user capable of movement and activity. |
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Katukina Parica
Parica from the Katukina tribe has wonderful overtones of deep flora within the forest. The powder is of fine quality and is slightly darker grey than usual. On first application it appears supremely powerful, and within a few moments levels out to a deep serenity and clarity. Parica seems to support the sinuses long after use and is good for the mucous membranes. A freshness continues long after the effects have dissipated. Still a very strong variety from the Katukina. |
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Katukina Parica Cumaru
This Rapé is crafted with organic Moi Tabaco. The inclusion of Paricá ash (also known as Xixa) further enhances the blend, adding a layer of depth and grounding that is highly valued in spiritual practices. The ash from these specific trees is particularly esteemed for its ability to amplify the effects of Rapé, making it a crucial component of the blend. |
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Katukina Pau Mulata
Pau Mulata (also called Mulateiro) has a distinctive aroma of ancient deep forest earth. An exceptional blend from the Katukina. The subtle yet powerful mix of Tabaco and ashes heightens the cerebral state of the user and gently awakens the mental faculties from any dreamy state or lack of concentration. |
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Katukina Pau Pereira
This Rapè from the Katukina is light brown and very fine and is indicated for meditation or the discharge of energies. Previous Pau Pereira preparations have became known as some of the strongest and most consistent available. This blend from the Katukina is no less powerful. |
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Katukina Samauma
This particular Rapé features Samaúma ashes combined with Corda Tabaco. The Samaúma tree (Ceiba pentandra), known as the Mother of all trees and the Queen of the Forest, towers above the Amazon rainforest, offering shelter to the plants and creatures below. |
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Katukina Tsunu Nisural
This exceptional blend from the Katukina tribe has a distinctive aroma reminiscent of ancient earth and a sandy, light brown hue. It combines Moi and the stronger variety of Corda Tabaco with Tsunu ashes, which heighten the user's cerebral state and gently awaken mental faculties from any dreamy state or lack of concentration. |
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Katukina Txunu
Txunu from the Katukina tribe has a wonderful subtle effect that brings distractions in the forefront of ones mind to an instant calm. It has a deeply meditative feel to it even though the first moments can be quite sharp and lifting. This only lasts for a few moments before the calmness reaches the entire system. Darker than most grey types this Rapé has its own feel and distinct flavour. |
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Kaxinawa Bonatur
This preparation of Rapè is made with organic Moi Tabaco and a special herb called Bonatur. An renowned recipe from the Pajé Teta Puã. This Rapè has a most prestigious and wonderful scent as well as a pleasant aftertaste. Not to be missed. |
Kaxinawa Cacau
Rapé made with ashes of the native Cacao tree of the Amazon basin. This is a traditional recipe from the Huni Kuin, it is known for it's reddish color. This particular one has the traditional base of organic Moi Tobacco but has also Corda (string Tobacco) added to give it an extra kick. |
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Kaxinawa Cacau Forca
This Cacao blend is made from the trunk ashes of the wild Cacao tree (Theobroma cacao). Traditionally used by the Huni Kuin people , this incredible blend has a high capacity of bringing endurance, a sense of peace and physical stability. It cleanses energetically and calms the busy mind without overwhelming any sense of balance. |
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Kaxinawa Canaleiro
Caneleiro Rapé is known for the fiery intensity it delivers upon application. The initial sensation is akin to an explosion of energy that clears the mind and opens up the sinuses with a powerful force. This strong burst of energy slowly fades, leaving behind a feeling of deep warmth and groundedness. |
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Kaxinawa Canela do Velho
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Kaxinawa Cumaru
A deeply intense and strong dark style Rapé containing Arapiraca Corda and Tonka Bean Tree (Cumaru) ashes. Cumaru is extremely grounding and has the ability to put the user into deep trance like states. |
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Kaxinawa Cumaru de Cheiro
A very popular and praized Rapé. The Kaxinawa people are some of the most experimental tribes when it comes to making Rapé: They do not have traditional recipes that would come always as the same, rather they use innumerous plants and different ashes in their mixtures. |
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Kaxinawa Forca
Kaxinawa Força Murici Rapé is one of the most sought-after and traditional blends offered by the Huni Kuin, also known as the Kaxinawá people. Revered for its powerful and clear vibrational energy, this Rapé is crafted using the ashes of the Murici tree (Byrsonima crassifolia), a species native to the Amazon rainforest. |
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Kaxinawa Kupy
This rare tribal Rapé is made from a herb called Bunatura or Kupy, Yapa tree ashes and Moi Tabaco. The Bunatura plant is good to be used for Rapé as it cleans the body, according to the makers. This Rapé has a wonderful Chocolate and Mint-like aroma that almost resembles to that of ice cream. |
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Kaxinawa Lourinho
Kaxinawa Lourinho, AKA Huni Kuin Nisun. This delightful and rare green Rapé from the Huni Kuin is a special Rapé for medicinal and spiritual use. This Rapé is made with a special undisclosed mixture of local herbs from the Huni Kuin tradition and Sabia Tabaco. This a good Rapé for use in ceremony, when a person gets taken by dizziness or strong unmanagable energies. |
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Kaxinawa Moy Cumaru
This potent Rapè from the Kaxinawa tribe is a blend of Moy Tabaco (Nicotiana rustica) and ashes from Cumaru bark (Dipteryx odorata). Moy Tabaco is one of the most beautiful of all Rustica types available. The scent is just divine. Moy heightens the senses and helps to put the user into a relaxed state of being. The aftertaste compared to other Tabaco types is sweet and pleasant. |
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Kaxinawa Osha
This Rapé has a medium-dark grey complexion and has a distinct sharp, warming and bitter aroma imparted by the Osha root, once experienced not forgotten! Osha is one of the most important herbs of the Rocky Mountains, considered sacred by the Native Americans and widely esteemed by them for its broad and effective warm healing power. |
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Kaxinawa Uricuri
Strong, dark Rapé made by the Hunikuin tribe. Made with tobacco and the ashes of the Uricuri palm. The Uricuri palm is found only in Acre and used to make spears and arrows. |
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Kaxinawa Xacapandare
Kaxinawa Xacapandaré is a special gentle recipe with less Tabaco than the usual Rapé. This special blend was discovered by the very respected chief Siã Huni Kuin from the Jordão region, one of the main indigenous leaders from Acre state. Xacapandaré is a very rare and hard to find herb from their tradition. |
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Kaxinawa Xina
This rare tribal Kaxinawa (Huni Kuin) Rapé contains the herb Xina Inivati, Yapa tree ash, and Moi Tabaco. Xina Inivati is said by the shaman to be used for spiritual cleansing. It is a Rapè that is light brown in colour with aromatic Moi Tabaco tones. It's flavour and taste contains notes of other forest plants. |
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Kaxinawa Yapa
This rare Rapé from the Kaxinawa tribe was made by two Rapé makers, sons of the main village shaman who is around 80 years old. This Rapé contains a herb called Shishitza,Yapa tree ash,and Moi tobacco. Shishitza herb is used to harmonize the body and to attract positive thinking. |
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Kuntanawa Alfavaca da Mata
Alfavaca de Mata Rapé is a highly esteemed blend created by a member of the Kuntanawa tribe, residing along the Jurua River near the Peruvian border, specifically on the river Tejos, a tributary of the Jurua. This Rapé is prepared with ashes from the Sapota bark, organic Mói Tabaco, and Alfavaca da Mata leaves. Each new batch may have slight variations in appearance and effect, maintaining its unique and authentic nature. |
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Kuntanawa Capim Santo
Capim Santo bestows a lasting cerebral effect upon the user. When partaking in smaller doses the effect could be considered similar to gentle streaks of lightning flickering across the frontal lobes. With larger doses the effect is likened to a tropical breeze sweeping across an inner citrus garden, delivering the adept into a minor trance. |
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Kuntanawa Corda Tsunu
This special mixture is perfect for deep meditation and serves as an overall cleansing tool. It is a traditional medicine consistently used in rituals, embodying harmony, tangible energy flow, and sharpened focus. |
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Kuntanawa Cumaru
This delicate Kuntanawa was crafted with local organic Moi Tabaco, ashes from the Sapota tree and Cumaru seeds giving it it´s sweet scent. This is a Rapé for concentration that gives us strength and firmness in the spiritual world and opens the gates to spiritual concentration. |
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Kuntanawa Flor de Jarina
Flor de Jarina Rapé is a celebrated blend from the Kuntanawa tribe, recognised for its unique combination of Moi Tabaco (Fumo de Rolo), Jarina flowers, and Xixá ashes. This blend is particularly valued for its protective qualities. The Kuntanawa believe that the Jarina flowers help make the user invisible to enemies and shield them from harmful energies, both physical and spiritual. |
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Kuntanawa Kapaxanba
This exclusive Rapé is very aromatic, yet forcefully cleansing and liberating. With any size of dose, sneezing is likely to occur, which seems to be one of the main reasons that the head is cleared of the build up of negative energies, literally blasting out anything that has clogged the internal system. |
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Kuntanawa Lourinho
This Rapé is another wonderful healer from Pedro Hunivu, master of the plants, from the Kuntanawa people. A Rapé prepared with organic Moi Tabaco and Tsunu ashes. Prepared with Louro, or Lourinho, a local herb name that can be found from region to region. |
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Kuntanawa Pedro
Pedro Kuntanawa made this particular Rapé. It has a strong inital sting followed by a widening on the nostrils which leads to a calming and relaxed state of being. Its creamy undertones and flowery overtones bring the user into a clear headed state of awareness and the channels feel clean and open to fresh air. |
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Kuntanawa Samauma
This very special and rare Rapé of the Kuntanawa tribe contains parts and ashes of the Samauma tree. This secret recipe is composed by the shaman of the tribe and contains many sacred and healing plants from the Amazon. |
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Kuntanawa Tipy
This variety of Rapé has been made by a member of the Kuntanawa tribe and is prepared with a base of local organically grown Tobacco and contains ashes from the Sapota tree. The special character of this Rapé comes from a herb the Kuntanawa call Tipy. Tipy is known to be useful in meditation practices and is widely used by the indigenous for spiritual cleansing. |
Kuntanawa Trevo Cumaru
Pedro Kuntanawa made this particular Rapé. Made with a locally produced and harvested organic Moy Tabacco (Nicotiana rustica) and the ashes of Pau Pereira (Tsunu) and a herb locally named Trevo Cumaru. Trevo Cumaru is Pedro´s personal favorite. He uses this herb, considering it a healer that helps to firm the mind, clear negative thoughts and bring inner peace in the spiritual domain. |
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Kuntanawa Veia de Paje
Veia de Pajé is a significant plant in the Kuntanawá tribe's traditions, used in various shamanic practices and rituals. It possesses magical properties that can influence one's luck, attract positive energies, and provide protection. |
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Matses Nunu
Very exclusive and hard to find! Matsés Nunu is a famous and unique Rapé coming from the Matze tribe, from the deep Amazonian jungle. Alongside the use of Kambo It is well known for its hunting tool potential. |
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Nukini Floresta
A famously popular classic tribal Rapé. The Nukini Floresta Rapé is lovingly made by the Amazonian Nukini tribe who infused this extraordinary blend with intentions of pure joy and grounding. |
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Nukini Forca
Nukini Força is one of the most popular and sought-after Rapé blends available today. This genuine tribal Rapé is expertly crafted by the Nukini tribe, using a unique combination of ingredients that have remained a well-guarded secret for over 12 years. |
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Nukini Mulata
Nukini Mulata is another beautiful and strong blend created by the Nukini tribe. This preparation offers a fine, sweet and extremely rounded experience, with a high frequency scent of jungle flowers. |
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Nukini Trevo Cumaru
Powerful and highly praised. Nukini Trevo Cumaru Rapé is a potent blend crafted with strong Brazilian Tabaco, Parika ashes, and the aromatic Trevo Cumaru (Justicia pectoralis). |
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Nukini Yemanja
Nukini Yemanja. A beautiful powerful medicine from the Nukini Rapé masters bring the force of their medicine blended with the softness of white roses. Another masterful Rapé that brings the power of the feminine in this mystery of the sacred Tabaco. This Rapé is crafted with Tabaco de Corda, Tsunu and white roses. |
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Orchid Fever
This one of a kind, unique and a famous blend. A famous non-tribal Rapé. Orchid Fever 3.0 is a must-have for the Rapé connoisseur. It has become one of the the most popular blends we have produced. This Rapé is part of the trinity, together with Clarity and Pineal Flush. |
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Pineal Flush 8.0
A renowned non-tribal Rapé, Pineal Flush, now in its 8th iteration, continues to be a sharp, minty, and aromatic blend featuring the most potent varieties of Brazilian Tabaco and ashes. |
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Puyanawa Madre
Puyanawa Madre Rapé is a powerful and spiritually potent blend, lovingly crafted by the Puyanawa people of Acre, Brazil. |
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Puyanawa Murici
This Rapé is a simple recipe with "Corda" Tabaco and Murici ashes, the ashes generally used by the Puyanawa. The makers say it is the only ash they use, and say the Rapé becomes stronger and more pleasant to pass. |
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Puyanawa Pixuri
This new blend from the Puyanawa tribe uses Corda Tabaco and Murici ashes combined with a herb called Pixuri giving it a pleasant scent and a special character. The Puyanawa don´t make many different recipes but Pixuri is a classic of their culture and well worth trying. This Rapé is made by a Pajé, medicine man of the tribe. |
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Shanenawa Caneleiro
This is a most prestigious Rapé from the Shanenawa tribe, made from sweet scented plants, and what seems to be a milder and very balanced Tabaco. This is one of the more energetically balanced Rapé’s that has strong but stable initial effects with pleasant after-tones with little production of phlegm. |
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Shanenawa Shawa
This unique tribal Rapè "Shanenawa Shina Shawa" is from the Shanenawa tribe and from municipality of Feijo, Acre, Brazil. It contains a herb called Shina Shawa, Mapu Kuma tree ash and Tabaco de Corda. It is a darker grey Rapè that gives a moderate initial hit, some element of hotness that leaves a peppery afterglow in the sinus somewhat akin to Parika. The experience is clearheaded and not too heavy. |
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Shawadawa Kapayuba
This Rapé was made under the power of the full moon with natural Tabaco, Tsunu ashes, and a herbal medicine traditionally used by the Shawãdawa known as Kapayuba. Kapayuba provides strength for fieldwork, planting, fishing, and hunting. |
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Shawadawa Murici
Shawadawa Murici Rapé is a powerful blend crafted from Byrsonima crassifolia (Murici) ashes, revered for their energetic cleansing properties. This Rapé, primarily used by the Shawadawa tribe, is known for its strong grounding effects, helping to release accumulated negative energies, particularly from the lower abdomen. |
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Shawadawa Rawaputu
The Macaws call themselves Shawadawa, which means the "people of the macaw". This blend is of extremely high quality and frequency with mild subtle jungle tones and... |
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Yawanawa Ceremony
The Yawanawa Ceremony Rapé is a blend that brings together two powerful spiritual medicines: Tsunu ashes, following the Yawanawa tradition, and Jurema ashes, from the Fulni-ô tribe. While Jurema is traditionally used in the Jurema cult for inducing visions and spiritual insights, in this Rapé blend, it is believed to open the pathways for deeper dreaming and lucid experiences, enhancing the user’s connection to the natural world and spiritual realms. |
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Yawanawa Cumaru
This Rapé is one of our classics. A deeply intense and strong Yawanawá style Rapé, containing Tonka Bean Tree ashes. Cumaru is extremely grounding as well as having the ability to put the user into deep trance like states. |
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Yawanawa Daime
This highly praized and sought after Rapé has been prepared by a Daime community from area Rio Crôa, Brazil and is considered an extremely special blend. It is based on a very strong variety of Rustica. |
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Yawanawa Kapakuru
This Yawanawa Rape is named after its creator. Kapakuru is very much respected and liked for his powerful Rapé, as well as his force when blowing the Rapé. |
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Yawanawa Moy
Yawanawà Moy is a strong and powerful Tsunu type Rapé. "Tabaco de Moi" and Tsunu ashes are the basis of this particular blend. With its own particular flavour and scent, exuding warrior energy and powerful focus upon the user. |
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Yawanawa Mulateiro
Yawanawá Mulateiro is very strong. It provides a sharp, powerful initial sensation that has a tendency to immediately make the eyes water. It is advisable to take a moment out of time to administer. |
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Yawanawa Nawashahu
Força Feminina represents the strength and power of indigenous women, being the first female Rapé from the Yawanawa tribe. Nawashahu, a talented composer and singer of medicine songs, has become one of the few women in her tribe to create her own Rapé. She follows the traditional Yawanawa recipe, combining strong Tabaco de Moi with ashes made from the bark of the Tsunu tree, a combination known for its grounding and healing properties. |
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Yawanawa Parika
This is a famous Rapé called Yawanawa Parika, made by a non-tribal shaman. This blend will be cherished among connoisseurs and healers alike due to its strong powerful effects as well as.. |
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Yawanawa Pau Mulata
A strong and deeply traditional Rapé from the Yawanawá tribe, prepared with Pau Mulata (Mulateiro). Similar in overall composition as the famous Yawanawa Mulateiro, yet more "grey" in appearance and effect. |
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Yawanawa Pau Pereira
Due to the strength this Rapé has the power to overcome the user, and can lead to an instant detoxification of phlegm and mucus. Watering of the eyes and overwhelming effects are expected. small to medium doses are recommended as larger doses can be intense. |
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Yawanawa Peu
This Rapé has an immediate "kick" and is the basic Yawanawá Rapé made with Corda Tabaco and Tsunu ashes. It is for us the perfect blend of ashes and Tabaco, non fragrant or spicy and 'clean' in its flavour due to the ash content. It packs a punch. It's initial effects upon application are a powerful yet contained explosion in the sinuses and being of the user. |
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Yawanawa Shaneihu
Another fine Rapé made by a member of the Yawanawa family! As with most real Yawanawa Rapés the recipe is predictable, it is the classic and as some of the older members of the tribe say the only recipe that truly deserves the name Yawanawa; Tabaco and Tsunu ashes. |
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Yawanawa Tonka
The Yawanawa Tonka Rapé with Cumaru is a unique and highly sought-after blend, prized for its potent effects and the inclusion of Cumaru seeds (Dipteryx odorata), also known as Tonka beans. This Rapé is built upon a solid foundation of Sabia Tabaco and Xixá ashes (Sterculia striata), following the traditional recipe of Yawanawa Parika, but enhanced with the aromatic Tonka bean. The result is a beautifully balanced and deeply grounding Rapé that resonates with clarity and spiritual depth. |
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Yawanawa Tsunu
Yawanawá Tsunu has a typically uplifting and clearing frequency. This is a typically Grey Rapé blend with a powerful initial effect that sometimes takes a few minutes to stabilise from. It has strong feminine qualities and is ideal for balancing energies and finding deep grounding. |
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