
Kuntanawa Corda Tsunu

Bottle, 10 Ml, 7 Gr from Brazil (SKU 4147)

(New batch #8821) This sublime Rapé from the Kuntanawa is a light sand brown colour, not grey and not true brown. The flavour is reministent of a warm indian spice (subtly so) though it is not hot on the sinuses. It has an exquisitely sharp slicing initial hit that forces ones attention into focus. Immediately following application there is eye watering, which can feel very cleansing for tired eyes! It is very uplifting & energising on ones being, a feeling of soaring like an eagle yet with a simultaneous sense of connection, receptivity and focus without any heavy body load. More information can be found below.

Packed in 10 ml clear plastic bottles containing 7 gr.




10 ml 25 ml


7 gr


max: 1

A sublime Rapé crafted by the Kuntanawa family, this blend stands out due to its use of Sabia Corda Tabaco, known for its powerful effects. Unlike the local Moi Tabaco, which is often used in Kuntanawa Rapé and works strongly on the heart center, the Sabia Corda Tabaco connects more with the base center, grounding users while also having the potential to elevate them to higher planes with larger doses.

This particular Rapé incorporates the herb Apuxuri (Licaria puchury-major), which help neutralise the intense Tabaco flavour and add a refreshing note. The resulting blend is medium-dark grey with a sharp, warming, and bitter aroma that is unforgettable. The ashes used in this Rapé are Tsunu ashes.

Pixuri is cherished for its distinctive taste and smell, derived from leaves rich in safrole, eucalyptol, alpha-terpineol, and eugenol. These compounds contribute to its unique profile, with effects that can enhance libido and act as a mild stimulant. When ingested in significant doses, it is said to promote happiness, akin to the effects of nutmeg. Additionally, Pixuri's antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties support respiratory health.

This Rapé presents as a light sand brown color, with a warm, subtly spiced flavour that is gentle on the sinuses. The initial sharp hit forces immediate focus, accompanied by eye-watering, which many find cleansing for tired eyes. It is uplifting and energising, providing a sensation of soaring like an eagle, combined with a grounded sense of connection and focus. The ultrafine dust minimises irritation at the back of the throat, and the unique flavour and subtle aftereffects contribute to a balanced and distinctive experience.

The Pixuri spirit supports feelings of gratitude and overall well-being, influencing all chakras. Indigenous traditions often use herbal baths made from the Pixuri plant for spiritual cleansing. The herb, valued for its long-standing use among tribal shamans, brings numerous benefits during Rapé use. The initial effects are mild and warming, progressively building to an intense burning sensation that can cause sneezing, mucus expulsion, and nose itching. Following these effects, users experience a calm state and mental clarity, with the blend promoting deep breathing and fresh air intake.

This special mixture is perfect for deep meditation and serves as an overall cleansing tool. It is a traditional medicine consistently used in rituals, embodying harmony, tangible energy flow, and sharpened focus. The production of this Rapé is a collaborative effort within the Kuntanawa community. The Rapé maker, who adds the final touches, is supported by others in the community who help collect woods and barks, produce ashes, and prepare the Tabaco. This shared effort ensures that the benefits and returns are distributed within the community, reflecting their cooperative spirit.

We take great care to reprocess all received stock to ensure the finest quality powder. Often, Rapé arrives with varying levels of fineness due to the lack of professional sieves used by the tribe. To address this, we meticulously sieve all powders to remove rough bits and particles, resulting in an exceptionally smooth and effective powder at 150-micron fineness. We use laboratory-grade sieves and dehydrating equipment to achieve this quality. This is our standard because it provides the best Rapé experience.

Other names: Sabia Corda Tsunu, Kuntanawa Apuxuri.

Like the Nukini, the Kuntanawa tribe became almost extinct due to the massacres of the latex cycle. One single family was left after the rubber boom and only since the beginning in 2000 a small group of Kuntanawa started to claim their indigenous heritage (Pantoja et al. 2014; Labate et al. 2014). Unfortunately, their culture is still under threat and the Kuntanawa are still struggling to regain full ethnic recognition and they are trying to regain their territory. Nowadays, there are only about 250 members left that are scattered throughout the region of Acre, Brazil. In order to survive, the Kuntanawa are joining other Pano linguistic tribes and they are organising festivals together to share their traditions, their rituals, and their culture with foreign visitors. This small Pano linguistic tribe strongly values the ritualistic use of Ayahuasca to teach them and to guide them. The Kuntanawa even hold a strong believe that Ayahuasca will unravel their ancient knowledge and bring back their partly lost traditions (Pantoja et al. 2014). However, their language seems to be irrecoverably lost (Labate et al. 2014).

More on the Kuntanawa.

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