
Kuntanawa Capim Santo

Bottle, 10 Ml, 7 Gr from Brazil (SKU 3362)

(New batch #8136). Kuntanawa Capim Santo bestows a lasting cerebral effect upon the user. When partaking in smaller doses the effect could be considered similar to gentle streaks of lightning flickering across the frontal lobes. With larger doses the effect is likened to a tropical breeze sweeping across an inner citrus garden, delivering the adept into a minor trance. More information can be read below.

Packed in 10 ml clear plastic bottles containing 7 gr.

Capim Santo from the Kuntanawa tribe contains Lemongrass as an ingredient and bestows a lasting cerebral effect upon the user. When partaking in smaller doses the effect could be considered similar to gentle streaks of lightning flickering across the frontal lobes. With larger doses the effect is likened to a tropical breeze sweeping across an inner citrus garden, delivering the adept into a minor trance. Be prepared for moderate internal atmospheric changes and a strong citrus sensation rising to the crown of the head. Capim Santo has a pleasant afterglow, minimal pleghm to the throat and is perfect for beginners and regular users as it leaves the user with a fresh and clearing sensation in the sinuses and head.

This is another genuine tribal and powerful Rapé from our close friend who lives in Brazil and is exchanging with the tribes people.

Tabak: Nicotiana rustica
Ash: Tsunu - Platycyamus regnellii
Extra: Lemon Grass - Cymbopogon citratus

Other names: Capim Santo, Lemon Grass

Like the Nukini, the Kuntanawa tribe became almost extinct due to the massacres of the latex cycle. One single family was left after the rubber boom and only since the beginning in 2000 a small group of Kuntanawa started to claim their indigenous heritage (Pantoja et al. 2014; Labate et al. 2014). Unfortunately, their culture is still under threat and the Kuntanawa are still struggling to regain full ethnic recognition and they are trying to regain their territory. Nowadays, there are only about 250 members left that are scattered throughout the region of Acre, Brazil. In order to survive, the Kuntanawa are joining other Pano linguistic tribes and they are organizing festivals together to share their traditions, their rituals, and their culture with foreign visitors. This small Pano linguistic tribe strongly values the ritualistic use of Ayahuasca to teach them and to guide them. The Kuntanwa even hold a strong believe that Ayahuasca will unravel their ancient knowledge and bring back their partly lost traditions (Pantoja et al. 2014). However, their language seems to be irrecoverably lost (Labate et al. 2014).

Aside organically grown Tabaco and ashes, this Rapé contains Lemongrass (Capim Santo), a herb commonly used and well known as a pleasant aromatic tea calming the nerves and giving a general feeling of well being. Very refreshing!

This is an extremely fine and dry powder. It takes great effort to produce such a fine powder at a 150 micron fineness. This is our standard. All our products are processed to a high standard and consistent fineness and dryness, using laboratory grade sieves and dehydrating equipment, before packaging.

Pantoja CM, Meyer M. Kuntanawa: Ayahuasca, Ethnicity, and Culture. From the book: Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond. Oxford University Press, 2014.

Labate BC, Coutinho T (2014). My Grandfather Served Ayahuasca to Mestre Irineu: Reflections on the Entrance of Indigenous Peoples into the Urban Circuit of Ayahuasca Consumption in Brazil. Curare – Journal of Medical Anthropology, vol 3

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