
Kaxinawa Moy Cumaru

Bottle, 10 Ml, 7 Gr from Brazil (SKU 4126)

Restock expected. This Rapè is a light sandy brown colour with a soft texture, it looks somewhat innocent at first inspection however do not let looks deceive. This Rapè is powerful! Initially the user receives a piercing initial jolt to the system, this subsides, some eye watering occurs and heavy phlegm production ensues and whilst some reaches the back of the throat the taste is good. This Rapé brings a great sense of strength and power in the body that is beautifully accompanied by a clearheaded and calm afterglow. A super Rapé and now a favourite in the collection.

Packed in 10 ml clear plastic bottles containing 7 gr.




10 ml 25 ml


7 gr


max: 1

Note that this is a new batch and can vary slightly from the previous batch.

This potent Rapè from the Kaxinawa tribe is a blend of Moy Tabaco (Nicotiana Rustica) and ashes from Cumaru bark (Dipteryx odorata). Moy Tabaco is one of the most beautiful of all Rustica types available. The scent is just divine. Moy heightens the senses and helps to put the user into a relaxed state of being. The aftertaste compared to other Tabaco types is sweet and pleasant.

Cumaru is also known as the Tonka bean tree and has a long tradition of being used as a flavourful ingredient in snuffs, sweets, and foods. Yet, Cumaru also contains several bioactive ingredients, including coumarins and triterpenoids.

This Rapè is a light sandy brown colour with a soft texture, it looks somewhat innocent at first inspection however do not let looks deceive you. It is a dark horse! This Rapè is powerful! Initially the user receives a piercing initial jolt to the system, this subsides, some eye watering occurs and heavy phlegm production ensues and whilst some reaches the back of the throat the taste is good! This Rapè brings a great sense of strength and power in the body that is beautifully accompanied by a clearheaded and calm afterglow without too much wobble. A super Rapè and now a favourite in the collection.

This is an extremely fine and dry powder. It takes great effort to produce such a fine powder at a 150 micron fineness. This is our standard because this provides the best Rapé experience. All our products are processed to a high standard and consistent fineness and dryness, using laboratory grade sieves and dehydrating equipment, before packaging.

Customer feedback:

"...This beautiful combination of Moy Tabaco and the Tonka bean tree has a flour-like composition. When applied by a Tepi, the receiver will most likely experience a gentle, soothing yet immediate clearing of the mind, together with instant watering of the eyes that lasts for at least 20 seconds. The effects of this beautiful Rapé will run over the scalp like a magical comb that brushes the crown with tenderness and clarity. The space one enters is one of feeling Zen and mental consolidation. Excretion of phlegm is most likely to be part of the ritual as well. The effects last to up to an hour after administration, which will certainly convince you of a timeless Sunday afternoon state of being that an encounter with these beautiful plants have to offer. For the tribal people in the jungle, Tabaco opens the door to spirit, combined with the circulation improving effects of the Tonka bean, this Rapé truly offers a special gift to your mind and soul..."

Other names: Huni Kuin

Kaxinawa means "People of the Bat" and is a name that was given to them by other enemy tribes. They are one of the biggest tribes in Acre state spread over different areas of the state with many communities and still exist in Peru as well. The Kaxinawas or Huni kuin (meaning true humans) are considered to be one of the biggest tribes in Acre, as they account for 42% of the indigenous population. They belongs to the Pano linguistic tribes that habitat the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon. Moreover, their leader is a respected shaman that vigorously stands up for his tribe in public and through organizations: he founded the União das Naçoes Indigenas (UNI/AC) and ASKARJ, and he is a cofounder of the Alliance of Forest Peoples and of the International Council on Human Rights (IACHR). These organizations are speaking for the rights of the indigenous communities, as well as for human rights and the protection of the rainforest (Aya Conference 2014, Ibiza).

Rapé in the Kaxinawas tribe is used for different purposes. In addition, the Kaxinawas apply rapé for mental healing, mostly in combination with chanting. Rapé connects the tribe with spirits of the jungle and - depending on the exact ingredients - it can cure, heighten concentration, improve hunting, or be a connector with the spiritual nature.

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This natural product is offered for its ethnographic and historical value and is delivered with no expressed or implied fitness for a specific purpose. It is simply a raw botanical specimen, or a scientific sample. The information provided is purely meant for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use. The use and application of our product is at the customer's decision, responsibility and risk.
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