
Peppermint leaves

Leaves, Finely Cut, 250 Gr from France (SKU 5057)

Peppermint leaves make a wonderfully refreshing tea. The leaves can also be used in Rapé preparations, by adding (finely powdered) leaves to the recipe.

Packed by 250 gr.

Pliny tells us that the Greeks and Romans crowned themselves with Peppermint at their feasts and adorned their tables with its sprays, and that their cooks flavoured both their sauces and their wines with its essence. Two species of Mint were used by the ancient Greek physicians, but some writers doubt whether either was the modern Peppermint, though there is evidence that M. piperita was cultivated by the Egyptians. It is mentioned in the Icelandic Pharmacopoeias of the thirteenth century, but only came into general use in the medicine of Western Europe about the middle of the eighteenth century, and then was first used in England. 

Other names: Mentha piperita, Hortela, Mint, Menta, Mentha Montana, Menthe, Nane, Nana, Pepermunt, Pfefferminze, Menthe poivrée.

Among essential oils, Peppermint ranks first in importance. It is a colourless, yellowish or greenish liquid, with a peculiar, highly penetrating odour and a burning, camphorescent taste. It thickens and becomes reddish with age, but improves in mellowness, even if kept as long as ten or fourteen years.

The chief constituent of Peppermint oil are menthol (between 25% and 55%) and menthone (between 10% and 40%), but it also contains menthyl acetate and isovalerate, cineol, inactive pinene, limonene, flavonoides, triterpenes, and other less important bodies.

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