Bottle, 10 Ml, 7 Gr from Brazil (SKU 4697)
(Batch #3366). This exceptional blend from the Katukina tribe has a distinctive aroma reminiscent of ancient earth and a sandy, light brown hue. It combines Moi and the stronger variety of Corda Tabaco with Tsunu ashes, which heighten the user's cerebral state and gently awaken mental faculties from any dreamy state or lack of concentration. This blend is said to be excellent for clearing negative energies and promoting alertness and focus and can assist with activities that require focus, alertness, and concentration. More information can be read below.
Packed in 10 ml clear plastic bottles containing 7 gr.
Nisural, also known as Nissural or Katsural, is a revered plant frequently used in the preparation of traditional Rapé by various Amazonian tribes. This plant is highly valued for its delicate minty aroma and its effectiveness in clearing negative energies and alleviating an overactive mind or drifting spirit, making it an integral component in many Rapé blends. Nisural is utilised in teas, baths, and incense by shamans for its purifying properties. In indigenous healing practices, it is especially valued for its ability to cleanse the mind and spirit, often used to combat "Nissun," or the accumulation of negative energies that can affect emotional, spiritual, and physical health. These qualities make Nisural a crucial component in many Rapé blends.
The Katukina tribe widely uses Nisural in their Rapé mixtures to enhance the healing properties of the blends. The Katukina people believe that adding Nisural to Rapé helps clear negative thoughts and brings emotional balance, which is vital in their spiritual practices and rituals. They describe it as a plant that aids in removing bad thoughts and providing mental clarity.
Nisural is often mentioned alongside other plants used in Rapé preparation, such as Pixuri (Licaria puchury-major): Known for its uplifting and refreshing scent, Pixuri is used similarly in Rapé to enhance its aromatic profile; Tsunu (Platycyamus regnellii): Often used in Rapé for its grounding and healing properties.
In Rapé, Nisural contributes a fresh, minty scent that aids in mental clarity and emotional balance. It is part of the holistic approach of Amazonian tribes to utilise natural herbs for both physical and spiritual well-being. The very fine powder made from Nisural leaves blends well with other ingredients, providing a smooth and effective experience.
Katukina Tsunu Nisural: This exceptional blend from the Katukina tribe has a distinctive aroma reminiscent of ancient earth and a sandy, light brown hue. It combines Moi and the stronger variety of Corda Tabaco with Tsunu ashes, which heighten the user's cerebral state and gently awaken mental faculties from any dreamy state or lack of concentration. This blend is said to be excellent for clearing negative energies and promoting alertness and focus. The very fine powder absorbs well in the sinuses but can eventually make its way into the throat. Tears are minimal but occasional. This blend from the Katukina can assist with activities that require focus, alertness, and concentration. As with all Rapé preparations, it is advised to use it away from normal routines and pressures, taking time out to fully experience this traditional blend of the Amazon.
Nisural, with its therapeutic and spiritual benefits, remains an integral part of the shamanic traditions of various Amazonian tribes. Whether used in Rapé, teas, baths, or incense, it continues to be a vital component in the holistic practices aimed at achieving mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual cleansing. The Katukina Tsunu Nisural blend, with its unique properties and exceptional composition, offers a profound experience that embodies the rich heritage of Amazonian plant medicine.
We take great care to reprocess all received stock to ensure the finest quality powder. Often, Rapé arrives with varying levels of fineness due to the lack of professional sieves used by the tribe. To address this, we meticulously sieve all powders to remove rough bits and particles, resulting in an exceptionally smooth and effective powder at 150-micron fineness. We use laboratory-grade sieves and dehydrating equipment to achieve this quality. This is our standard because it provides the best Rapé experience.
A wonderful and detailed article about the Katukina and our connection with them can be found here.
Other names: Nissural, Tsunu
Katukina or Catuquina, Katokina, Katukena, Katukino are generic terms that are attributed to five linguistically distinct but geographically proximate indigenous groups that live in southwestern Brazil at the border of the Amazonas and Acre. The Katukina are a tribe that is very connected to the usage of sacred plants. They consider themselves as the first tribe to receive the Kambo medicine straight from the frog. They still carry a vast knowledge about plants and the spirit of the world. Their Rapé is strong and deep, and it carries the wild and powerful spirit of the jungle.
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