
Rudraksha beads

12 Mm, 25 Beads from Nepal (SKU 4961)

Rudraksha seeds are believed to be the tears of the Shiva. Used for thousands of years as an aid to self empowerment and self enlightenment, the dried seeds are used as rosary beads and necklaces for meditation purposes. Hindus believe that Rudraksha beads have healing properties and that they affect the human body when worn. Related to the Heart Chakra, the Rudraksha is considered a good omen and a talisman for good health. Asian yogis and monks found that merely wearing the Rudraksha beads gave them a tremendous amount of tranquility and concentration. Panchmukhi (Five-faced): Most common and widely used for general well-being and health.

Diameter approximately 12mm. Pack of 25 beads

The Sacred Rudraksha Tree: Elaeocarpus ganitrus

Elaeocarpus ganitrus, commonly known as the Rudraksha tree, holds immense cultural and spiritual significance, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism. The seeds of this tree, known as Rudraksha, have been revered for thousands of years for their spiritual and healing properties.

Cultural and Spiritual Significance

Rudraksha beads are integral to the practices of many Hindus and Buddhists, aiding in self-empowerment and self-enlightenment. Historically, these dried seeds have been used as rosary beads and necklaces, primarily for meditation purposes. The belief in their divine origin and connection to Lord Shiva imbues them with immense spiritual significance.

Mythological Stories

According to Hindu mythology, when Lord Shiva opened his eyes after a long period of meditation, tears fell to the earth and formed the Rudraksha tree. This mythological origin story adds to the seeds' revered status among Shiva devotees.

Symbolism in Different Religions

While Rudraksha beads are primarily associated with Hinduism, they are also significant in Buddhism, where they are used in prayer and meditation practices. Their use transcends religious boundaries, symbolizing spiritual connection and enlightenment.

Healing Properties and Chakra Connection

Hindus believe that Rudraksha beads possess healing properties, influencing the human body when worn. They are particularly associated with the Heart Chakra, promoting overall good health and well-being. Wearing these beads is considered a good omen and a powerful talisman. Asian yogis and monks have long revered Rudraksha for providing tranquility and concentration, essential for prolonged meditation sessions.

Varieties and Rarity

While Rudraksha seeds can be produced by several species of the Elaeocarpus genus, E. ganitrus is the principal species used for making jewellery or mala (prayer beads). The most commonly found Rudraksha beads have five faces, known as "Panchmukhi Rudraksha." These are widely used for their balanced spiritual benefits. However, the one-faced variety, "Ekamukhi Rudraksha," is rarer and consequently more expensive due to its unique and potent spiritual attributes.

Types and Rarity

Rudraksha seeds can have between one and twenty-one faces (mukhis). Each type has a specific meaning and use:
Ekamukhi (One-faced): Represents the connection between the wearer and the divine, considered highly powerful and rare.
Panchmukhi (Five-faced): Most common and widely used for general well-being and health.
Gauri Shankar: A type of Rudraksha where two beads are naturally joined, symbolising unity and harmony, often used by married couples for a strong relationship.

Symmetry and Value

Perfectly symmetrical Rudraksha seeds, especially those with rare Mukhi (face) configurations, can be sold for exorbitant prices. These rare seeds are highly valued for their spiritual significance and physical perfection. For example, a perfectly symmetrical one-faced Rudraksha is considered extremely rare and can be very expensive due to its scarcity and the high demand among collectors and spiritual practitioners. The rarity and perfection of these seeds contribute to their high market value, with some rare varieties costing significantly more than common types.

Market and Economic Impact

Ornamental Use: Beyond their spiritual significance, Rudraksha seeds are also valued for their ornamental appeal. Drilled and polished seeds are used in various forms of jewellery, which supports local artisans and provides a source of income for communities involved in their collection and processing.
Certification and Authenticity: Due to their high value, authentic Rudraksha seeds often come with certification. There are also several methods to test their authenticity, such as the water test (genuine Rudraksha beads sink in water) and the copper coin test (genuine beads do not react when placed between two copper coins).
Global Market: Rudraksha beads have a significant global market, especially among spiritual practitioners in Western countries. Their demand has led to the establishment of ethical sourcing practices and conservation efforts to ensure the sustainability of the Rudraksha tree populations.

The Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree and its sacred Rudraksha seeds offer a fascinating blend of botanical, cultural, and spiritual significance. From their mythological origins and diverse uses in traditional medicine to their role in modern spiritual practices and global markets, Rudraksha seeds continue to be a symbol of divine connection and holistic well-being. Their rich history and multifaceted benefits make them a cherished element in various cultural and spiritual contexts worldwide.

Other names: Utrasum Bead Tree

Elaeocarpus ganitrus grows in the area from the Gangetic plain in the foothills of the Himalayas to South-East Asia, Nepal, Indonesia, New Guinea to Australia, Guam, and Hawaii. Rudraksha seeds are covered by an outer husk of blue colour when fully ripe, and for this reason are also known as blueberry beads. The blue colour is not derived from pigment but is structural. It is an evergreen tree that grows quickly. The Rudraksha tree starts bearing fruit in three to four years. As the tree matures, the roots buttress rising up narrowly near the trunk and radiating out along the surface of the ground.

Botanical Characteristics

Height and Structure: The Rudraksha tree can grow up to 60-80 feet tall, with a broad canopy. It is a fast-growing tree with simple, shiny, and leathery leaves that are elliptic to lanceolate in shape.
Flowers and Fruits: The tree produces small, white, fragrant flowers that bloom in clusters. These flowers give way to the Rudraksha fruits, which are globular and drupaceous, resembling a small blueberry with a vibrant blue colour when ripe.
Seeds: Inside the fruit is a hard, rough-textured seed known as Rudraksha. These seeds have naturally occurring lines or "mukhis" on their surface, ranging from one to twenty-one, each having different spiritual significances.

Ecological Significance

Habitat: Rudraksha trees thrive in subtropical climates with ample rainfall. They are commonly found in the foothills of the Himalayas, in the Ganges plains, and other regions with similar climatic conditions.
Soil and Growth: These trees prefer well-drained, fertile soil and are often found in forested areas. They can also grow in sandy soils and are relatively low maintenance once established.
Symbiotic Relationships: The Rudraksha tree has a symbiotic relationship with certain soil bacteria that form nodules on its roots. These bacteria help in nitrogen fixation, enriching the soil and benefiting surrounding vegetation.

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