
CD - Plantaforma - Cantos de la Ayahuasca

CD from Brazil (SKU 3711)

This beautiful CD reunites icaros, hymns and medicine songs that represent many different lines of Ayahuasca work, indiginous, vegetalista and synchretic Brazilian.

Cantos de la Ayahuasca

This CD reunites icaros, hymns and medicine songs that represent many different lines of Ayahuasca work, indiginous, vegetalista and synchretic Brazilian.

The Plantaforma is an association of Ayahuasqueros working in Spain that aims to unite the different traditions and defend the good use and the respect of this sacred medicine. - Its main objectives are:

- Work towards a legal recognition that allows the legal use of Ayahuasca.
- Become a reliable source of information about the brew available to institutions, government agencies and media.
- Recognition of the traditional, spiritual and religious use of Ayahuasca in Europe as a human right. 
- Promote scientific research on the brew.
- Gathering, selecting, elaborating and spreading objective and trustworthy information about Ayahuasca.
- Create a meeting point for all interested in the brew where to share and receive information about it. 
- Provide support and legal aid to those unlawfully arrested for using Ayahuasca.

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