
Suco de Rapé Nirvana

Bottle, 22 Ml from Brazil (SKU 5494)

New! This potent blend of Rapé and Mapacho Tabaco, enhanced with the lush aromas of Vanilla pods, Tonka beans and Cumaru seeds is crafted using advanced high-frequency resonance extraction. Our meticulous process ensures a pure, concentrated liquid that provides immediate and intense effects, promoting deep grounding, enhanced focus, and clarity. Perfect for grounding and cleansing the sinuses, Suco Nirvana offers a heavenly aroma, and a deeply enriching and holistic experience. Detailed information can be read below.

Packed in 22 ml amber glass bottles. A nose spray dispenser can be purchased here. The sprayer needs to be screwed on tight, until it clicks to prevent leaking.

Tabaco juice is a revered traditional plantmedicine among indigenous people, widely utilised by shamans and healers across continents. Traditionally inhaled through the nose from the palm of the hand, we have modernised this ancient practice by delivering the medicine in the form of a nasal spray. We have perfected the method of extracting the juices from the plants over many years. 

We proudly present a variety of liquid Rapé and Tabaco nasal sprays, extracted using advanced high-frequency resonance extraction. This novel extraction technique ensures that the final extract maintains the plant's holistic therapeutic profile, making it highly valued in modern herbalism for its efficiency, effectiveness, and enhanced quality. To learn more about this extraction method, read here.

The result is a clear yet concentrated liquid extract, void of any plant residue, allowing effective use with a nasal sprayer. To produce 1 liter of extract, 1 kilo of plant material is used, resulting in a potent and saturated liquid extract with a ratio of 1:1. A small percentage of added bio alcohol ensures an almost unlimited shelf life, and the bottle doesn't need refrigeration. Simply store it at room temperature, away from light.

Suco Nirvana is made from a variety of Rapé's and Mapacho Tabaco, the aromas extracted from fresh Vanilla pods, Ground Tonka beans and Cumaru seeds. The liquid extract is highly concentrated and has a has a distinct character of liquid Rapé, with an invigorating and heavenly aroma palette thanks to the Vanilla, Tonka and Cumaru.

The distinct aroma and strength are immediately noticeable, producing a sensory explosion in the center of the face. The juice sharpens focus and presence, providing powerful grounding and silencing mental chatter. It has a profound cleansing effect on the sinuses and opens both the heart and mind.

The liquid extract is available in 11 ml amber glass bottles with a nasal spray dispenser included. We also offer 22 ml refill bottles. A Nose-spray dispenser is not included and can be ordered here.

To use, apply one or two sprays in each nostril, holding the sprayer at an angle aimed towards the center of the head. Slightly breathing in through the nose enhances the entry into the sinuses. Treat each nostril separately, as they have distinct properties: the left side expels negative energy while the right side receives positive energy, balance, and health. Allow the fluids to exit naturally without drawing them up into the throat. After a few minutes, remove the fluids by blowing your nose, and spit out any remains rather than swallowing them. You may need to blow your nose and spit again up to 10 minutes after application. It is recommended to keep the body upright and avoid lying down after use, to prevent the fluids from running into the throat.

Our Nasal Spray, created with advanced high-frequency resonance extraction, represents the forefront of herbal extraction technology. It offers a potent, pure, and versatile product that excels in both quality and innovation, providing users with a cleansing, deeply grounding and spiritually enriching experience.

Our liquid extract undergoes months of natural settling before being bottled. Even with the finest filtration, the smallest particles can remain in suspension, slowly sinking over time. Due to the extract's high concentration, you may notice sediment forming as active compounds gradually settle out of the solution during storage. To prevent clogging, we recommend storing the bottle on its side and shaking well before each use to redistribute the sediment.
If the sprayer becomes clogged, remove it and submerge the stem in hot water. Pump the sprayer underwater until it flows freely. Afterward, spray a few times outside the water to clear it. Always ensure the sprayer is mounted tightly to prevent leakage.

The information provided above is for historical, educational, and scientific purposes only. It should not be interpreted as a recommendation for the specific use of our products. Any statements about traditional uses are informational. The use and application of our products are the customer's decision and responsibility.

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All content, including this article, is protected under copyright law. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of this material is prohibited. Duplication of this content, in whole or in part, without written consent, is a violation of copyright regulations.

Other names: Fluid Rapé, Rapé juice, liquid Rapé, Rapé liquid extract, Tobacco juice, Ambil

This natural product is offered for its ethnographic and historical value and is delivered with no expressed or implied fitness for a specific purpose. It is simply a raw botanical specimen, or a scientific sample. The information provided is purely meant for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use. The use and application of our product is at the customer's decision, responsibility and risk.
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