
Rustica Powder

Bottle, 10 Ml, 4 Gr from Peru (SKU 4879)

(Batch #2977). Nicotiana rustica stands as one of the most potent and revered types of Tabaco, holding immense significance in both traditional Amazonian shamanism and contemporary spiritual practices. It serves to be an ideal ingredient for creating personal Rapé blends. This fine powder can be mixed with various ashes, such as Tsunu or Caneleiro, in a 1:1 ratio, allowing users to craft their own potent Rapé. The high nicotine content of Rustica ensures that the resulting blend will be powerful yet balanced, promoting focus and grounding during meditation or ceremonial practices​. More information can be found below.

Packed in 10 ml clear plastic bottles containing 4 gr.

Nicotiana Rustica: The Sacred Tabaco Behind Mapacho

Nicotiana rustica, commonly referred to as Rustica Tabaco, is one of the most potent and sacred varieties of Tabaco used by indigenous tribes across the Amazon and Andes regions. While it serves as the foundation for Mapacho Masos, its use in its raw, unfermented form is equally significant. This type of Tabaco has been a cornerstone of spiritual, healing, and shamanic practices for thousands of years, known for its high nicotine content, potent effects, and deep cultural significance.

The use of Nicotiana rustica dates back thousands of years, long before the arrival of Europeans in South America. Indigenous tribes in the Amazon, Andes, and surrounding areas have long revered this powerful plant for its ability to bridge the physical and spiritual worlds. Unlike commercial varieties of Tabaco (such as Nicotiana tabacum), Rustica contains significantly higher levels of nicotine, making it a powerful tool in both healing rituals and ceremonial use.

This sacred plant is often referred to as "sacred smoke" in indigenous communities due to its role in purification, protection, and communication with the spirit world. Tribes such as the Shawandawa, Yawanawa, and Huni Kuin use Rustica in ceremonies to cleanse both physical spaces and the mind, helping participants achieve clarity, focus, and spiritual insight.

What sets Nicotiana rustica apart from other types of Tabaco is its potency. The plant has nicotine levels that can be up to nine times higher than those found in commercial varieties, making it a powerful tool for shamanic and spiritual work. Due to its intense strength, Rustica is typically not used for recreational smoking. Instead, it is reserved for spiritual practices, where its effects can be harnessed with intention.

In its cured form, Rustica Tabaco is air-dried or sun-dried after harvest. Unlike Mapacho Masos, which undergo an additional fermentation process and are tightly wrapped into "ropes" or "masos" for long-term preservation, Rustica Tabaco in its raw form is more straightforward in its preparation. It retains its natural strength and earthy flavor without the additional aging and fermentation processes used for Mapacho.

The Process of Curing Nicotiana Rustica

Rustica Tabaco is typically cured through air drying or sun drying. This process involves hanging the freshly harvested leaves in well-ventilated spaces, where they slowly lose moisture over a period of several weeks. This method preserves the plant’s natural oils and flavor compounds, resulting in a robust Tabaco with deep earthy tones and strong nicotine potency.

Unlike Mapacho, which undergoes fermentation, the curing process for Rustica Tabaco is simpler. The leaves are harvested at peak maturity, dried, and then stored for use in various spiritual practices. This cured form of Rustica is often used as the base for Mapacho but can also be used directly in its raw, powdered form for different ceremonial applications.

Traditional and Contemporary Uses of Nicotiana Rustica

Nicotiana rustica has a wide range of applications, both in its raw form and as the base for Mapacho. Its use extends beyond smoking to include snuff, liquid extractions, and spiritual rituals.

Spiritual Cleansing:
One of the most significant uses of Rustica Tabaco is in spiritual cleansing rituals. The smoke from burning Rustica is believed to cleanse physical spaces, ward off negative energies, and protect individuals from spiritual harm. Shamans frequently use this smoke in ceremonies to open communication channels with the spirit world.

Snuff and Rapé Preparation:
While Rustica is primarily associated with Mapacho, its finely powdered form is also used in the preparation of Rapé. Tribes mix the powdered Tabaco with sacred ashes (such as Tsunu or Parika) to create a potent Rapé that promotes grounding, mental clarity, and spiritual connection. Due to the high nicotine content of Rustica, Rapé made with this Tabaco is often reserved for experienced users.

The Role of Rustica Tabaco in Shamanism

In Amazonian shamanism, Rustica Tabaco plays a vital role in ceremonies that require protection and spiritual insight. Tabaqueros, or Tabaco shamans, use Rustica to clear negative energies from a space, heal emotional or spiritual blockages, and establish a direct line of communication with the spirit world. During healing sessions, the shaman will often blow Rustica smoke over the body of the patient, helping to cleanse and align their energy field.

Rustica Tabaco as Fine Powder for Rapé Preparation

When transformed into a fine powder, Nicotiana rustica becomes an ideal ingredient for creating personal Rapé blends. The process of powdering Rustica involves sun-drying, grinding, and sieving the leaves multiple times to achieve a smooth, fine texture. This fine powder can be mixed with various ashes, such as Tsunu or Caneleiro, in a 1:1 ratio, allowing users to craft their own potent Rapé. The high nicotine content of Rustica ensures that the resulting blend will be powerful yet balanced, promoting focus and grounding during meditation or ceremonial practices​.

Conclusion: A Versatile and Sacred Tabaco

Nicotiana rustica stands as one of the most potent and revered types of Tabaco, holding immense significance in both traditional Amazonian shamanism and contemporary spiritual practices. Whether used in smoking, snuff, or spiritual rituals, Rustica remains a powerful tool for cleansing, protection, and spiritual connection. Its transformation into fine powder for use in Rapé adds to its versatility, offering a grounding experience for those seeking to connect with the earth and the spirit world through their practice.

A detailed description on how to blend your own Rapé can be found here.

We take great care to transform the Rustica Tabaco into the finest quality powder. We meticulously dehydrate, grind and sieve the Tabaco to remove rough bits and particles, resulting in an exceptionally smooth and effective powder at 150-micron fineness. We use laboratory-grade sieves and dehydrating equipment to achieve this quality. This is our standard because it provides the best Rapé experience.

Other names: Nicotiana rustica, Mapacho (not fermented), Mapacho leaf.

All South American shamans have an intimate relationship with Tabaco, and consider it a very sacred, wholesome plant that is deeply entrenched in their culture and rites. Tabaco consumed in high amounts has strong psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects, as it contains two alkaloids, harman and norharman, which are closely related to harmine and harmaline (Janiger et al. 1973). These two beta-carbolines inhibit monoamine oxidase (Herraiz et al. 2005), leading to antidepressive and uplifting effects (Farzin 2006).

In addition to Ayahuasca rituals that are combined with Tabaco snuffs, there are even shamans that specialised in Tabaco healing, called tobaqueros (Jauregui et al. 2011). When used in shamanic rituals, Tabaco is assumed to protect, cleans and re-align energies, thereby bringing profound clarity and healing (Jauregui et al. 2011). Furthermore, South American shamans, commonly use Tabaco smoke to blow it over the person to be healed with the intention to bring their energies into equilibrium and clean out all negativity and anxiety (i.e. ‘sopladas’ – the healing energy of blowing) (Jauregui et al. 2011). Thus, Tabaco in the shamanistic culture has a potent function of cleansing, bringing clarity and focus, and for allowing strong visualisations.

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This natural product is offered for its ethnographic and historical value and is delivered with no expressed or implied fitness for a specific purpose. It is simply a raw botanical specimen, or a scientific sample. The information provided is purely meant for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use. The use and application of our product is at the customer's decision, responsibility and risk.
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