
Arapiraca Powder

Bottle, 10 Ml, 7 Gr from Brazil (SKU 4770)

Arapiraca Tabaco is made from rope Tabaco, which is a Nicotiana rustic strain. This is about 20 times stronger than our traditional Tabaco, Nicotiana tabacum. This powder is made from fermented rope Tabaco. When the Tabaco is harvested it is first fermented and then turned into ropes and rolled up on rolls. After this process it sits on the rolls to mature. When we prepare the Tabaco for rapé it is dried in the sun, beaten and sieved.

Packed in 10 ml clear plastic bottles containing 7 gr.

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In the north east of Brazil the climate is very good for planting Tabaco, it is dry and sunny. Since the Europeans started to traffic Tabaco the northeast became the principal region for production. Arapiraca is a city in the state Alagoas and they are one of the main producers of Tabaco, mainly rope Tabaco or “Tabaco de Corda” as it is called in Portuguese, but also cigars. The process is quite different though; cigar Tabaco is dried and cut while the Corda is fermented.

When the Tabaco is harvested it is first fermented and then turned into ropes and rolled up on rolls. Each roll can weigh around eighty kilo. After this process it sits on the rolls to mature. The Tabaco can be used for smoking, chewing or in Rapé production. It is mostly smoked rolled in a corn leaf or smoked in pipes.

Arapiraca Tabaco is a Nicotiana Rustica strain. In the state Acre the only Tabaco grown nowadays is the natural Tabaco de Moy, which is a milder Tabaco that nowadays is used less to produce Rapé. A lot of Tabaco is brought from other states to the Amazon where the Rapé crafters buy it for their production. The only Rapé that is 100% made by the tribes is the Apurinã Awiry. Most Tabaco is grown organically since Tabaco itself is used in organic farming as a pesticide.

This is an extremely fine powder, creamy to the touch. It takes great effort to produce such a fine powder, entirely void of stems, veins, grains and bits, and at a 150 micron fineness. This is our standard because this produces the best Rapé experience. All of our Rapé varieties, be it a genuinely tribal Rapé, Cinza (ashes), or Tabaco powder, we process this to a high standard and consistent fineness, using laboratory grade sieves and milling equipment.

A detailed description on how to blend your own Rapé can be found here.

Scientific name: Nicotiana Rustica
Part used: Leaves
Region of origin: Arapiraca, Sergipe state
Agro toxics: Non used
Method of processing: Leaves are dried, fermented and then rolled into rope mass and cured. The Tabaco is ground, dried, beaten and sieved in 80 mesh industrial sieve.
Appearance: Powder, dry
Colour: Brown
Odour: Tabaco
Taste: Tabaco

Other names: Corda

All South American shamans have an intimate relationship with Tabaco, and consider it a very sacred, wholesome plant that is deeply entrenched in their culture and rites. Tabaco consumed in high amounts has strong psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects, as it contains two alkaloids, harman and norharman, which are closely related to harmine and harmaline (Janiger et al. 1973). These two beta-carbolines inhibit monoamine oxidase (Herraiz et al. 2005), leading to antidepressive and uplifting effects (Farzin 2006).

​In addition to Ayahuasca rituals that are combined with Tabaco snuffs, there are even shamans that specialised in Tabaco healing, called Tobaqueros (Jauregui et al. 2011). When used in shamanic rituals, Tabaco is assumed to protect, cleanse and re-align energies, thereby bringing profound clarity and healing (Jauregui et al. 2011). Furthermore, South American shamans, commonly use Tabaco smoke to blow it over the person to be healed with the intention to bring their energies into equilibrium and clean out all negativity and anxiety (i.e. ‘sopladas’ – the healing energy of blowing) (Jauregui et al. 2011). Thus, Tabaco in the shamanistic culture has a potent function of cleansing, bringing clarity and focus, and for allowing strong visualisations.

This powder is made from fermented Rope Tabaco. When the Tabaco is harvested it is first fermented and then turned into ropes and rolled up on rolls, each roll can weigh around eighty kilo. After this process it sits on the rolls to mature. When they prepare the Tabaco for Rapé it is dried in the sun, beaten and sieved.

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