Ashes Bashawa Niure
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
Pure Bashawa Niure ashes from the Guanandi tree. This exquisite ingredient is a crucial element of a powerful and balanced blend and should not be omitted in your own favourite Rapé composition. Bashawa Niure ashes mix excellently with any of the Tabaco powders. Furthermore, blending Tabaco with ashes increases the strength and absorption, making it exquisitely strong. More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing ? gr. |
Ashes Canela do Velho
pot, 60 ml, 50 gr |
(Batch #3406) Pure Canela de Velho ashes, also known as Old Cinnamon (Miconia albicans) is a plant that belongs to the family Melastomataceae. Originally from northeastern Brazil, it can be found more easily in the states of Bahia and Sergipe. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 50 gr. |
Ashes Cumaru
pot, 60 ml, 50 gr |
(Batch #2906). Cumaru ashes as ingredient in a Rapé can provide extreme grounding and can put the user into deep trance like states and in some occasions can cause deep nausea and detoxification. Purging is quite possible and it can cause a stream of phlegm in the throat. Intention and setting have an important role in the administration of Rapé that contains this ash, and one should take time and space to prepare for its effects. More information can be found below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 50 gr. |
Ashes Jabra Udu
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(Batch #2678). Jabra Udu ashes derive from the tropical tree Lueheopsis rugosa, a member of the Malvaceae family. There is reference to its use in Winti religious context. These ashes are used in Suriname to potentiate the effects of Tabaco in liquid Tabaco extracts but are also useful in Rapè compositions. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Ashes Kulina Murici
pot, 60 ml, 35 gr |
A rare opportunity to obtain ashes from a remote tribe, the Kulina. The ashes are from the Murici (Byrsonima crassifolia). Traditionally a tea is made with the bark. The ash is a bit greyer than other tribes burn them. A potent and very original product, Kulina ashes mix excellently with any of the Tabacos. Furthermore, blending Tabaco with ashes increases the strength and absorption, making it exquisitely strong. More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 35 gr. |
Ashes Mulateiro
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
Restock expected. Mulateiro ashes (Calycophyllum spruceanum) obtained from a Yawanawa "ash-maker". Mulateiro ashes are used in Rapé to release tensions of the right and left cerebral lobes, thereby providing profound balance and equilibrium of mind and body. An essential component to create your favorite Rapé. These powerful ashes mix well with any of the Tabaco's, increasing their strength and absorption. They can also be added to any other Rapé to increase its potential and add an extra dimension, and to increase the "slicing" effect. More information can be found below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Ashes Murici
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(Batch #7740). Pure ashes of the Murici tree, from a Yawanawa "ash-maker". The Murici is an old traditional plant, which is used in snuffs to clear energies that accumulate in the lower abdomen. Murici ashes mix excellently with any of the Tabaco's. Furthermore, blending tabaco with ashes increases the strength and absorption, making it exquisitely strong. More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Ashes Parika
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(Batch #2908) Pure ashes, simply referred to as "Parika", offer strong powerful effects and contain active antibacterial ingredients. The ashes of Parika are extremely high vibrational and help with clearing of negative and stuck energies in the body and mind. A must have for anyone seeking to create their own Rapè blends and preparations. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Ashes Samauma
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(Batch # 3402) The Samauma is seen as the Mother of all trees and as the Queen of the Forest. This exquisite ingredient is a crucial element of a powerful and balanced Rapé blend and should not be omitted in your own compositions. Ashes mix excellently with any of the Tabaco powders. Furthermore, blending Tabaco with ashes increases the strength and absorption, making it exquisitely strong. More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Ashes Sapota
pot, 60 ml, 50 gr |
(Batch #2905). Sapota is a little known ash that gives strength to Rapé and makes it particular good for meditation. It is fairly gentle on the nasal passages. A very fine and genuine ash from Kuntanawa sources. Since the tree gives food and feeds the people it is considered a nutritious plant even in ash form. More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 50 gr. |
Ashes Tsunu
pot, 60 ml, 50 gr |
Restock expected. Tsunu ash is the most commonly used ash for Rapé confection. The Yawanawa are the most famous for using Tsunu in their Rapé. One of the reasons is that traditionally it is the only kind of tree used to burn ash, another that their Tsunu Rapé's really are an all-time favourite. Tsunu has a typically uplifting and clearing frequency. It has strong feminine qualities and is ideal for balancing energies and finding deep grounding. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 50 gr. |
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
Clarity 8.0 offers an ethereal, sparkling fresh, and pungent yet earthy and grounding flavor. It leaves a lasting olfactory memory with a uniquely sweet chocolate aftertaste. The initial impact is strong and slicing, and it is recommended to use it with moderation, especially for those new to Rapé, as large doses can be intense and shocking. Created with the intention of achieving unlimited mental clarity and full present-moment awareness, Clarity 8.0 lives up to its name. More information can be found below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Katukina Bobinsana
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(New Batch #3699) Katukina Bobinsana is not a true tribal Rapè, instead produced on our request by a close friend and supplier using ingredients obtained from tribal sources. We wanted to create a Rapè imbued with the properties of Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia). This Rapè combines Arapiraca Corda Tabaco, Tsunu ashes and Bobinsana herb to create a unique heart opening blend. More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Katukina Guayusa
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(New Batch #9819) Katukina Guayusa is a blend, mixing Brazilian Rapé with the Ecuadorian Guayusa plant. This Rapé looks very dark in colour, yet the effects are more of a strong grey Rapé. It produces strong initial effects that can be described as a high pitch, icy and burning sensation that cuts like a dagger. The producer of this Rapé added this unique ingredient to a Xixá, Paricá and Arapiraca string Tabaco, to produce a very energetic blend. The caffeine in the Guayusa makes this an energetic mixture. More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Kaxinawa Cacau
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(New Batch #5544). Rapé made with ashes of the native Cacao tree of the Amazon basin. This is a traditional recipe from the Huni Kuin, it is known for it's reddish color. It is made in general with less ashes then other Rapés, that's why it maintains it's reddish color. This color also depends on the Tabaco used, where some Tabacos are more brownish and other more reddish. This particular one has the traditional base of organic Moi Tabaco but has also Corda (string Tabaco) added to give it an extra kick. Packed in 60 ml clear PET pots containing 40 gr. |
Kaxinawa Osha
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(Batch #6633). Kaxinawa Osha has a medium-dark grey complexion and a distinct, sharp, warming, and bitter aroma imparted by the Osha root. The immediate effect is quite sharp, causing instant eye-watering. Once the nose is cleared, it provides a pronounced clearing effect on the sinuses and breathing, leaving behind its distinct warm aroma. This Rapé is both physically and mentally cleansing. It is not overly heavy but carries a noticeable sense of strength. It imparts a lightness and relaxation to the body and mind, combined with a sense of receptivity. More information can be read below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Kaxinawa Uricuri
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
This Rapé contains only Tabaco and the ashes of the Uricuri palm. It is made by a member of the Hunikuin tribe which learned the art of making Rapé from his father and grandfather. They have been living for many generations on the shores of the Tarauacá river in Acre. The Uricuri palm is found only in Acre and used to make spears and arrows for hunting and for war. The indigenous name is Tashka and is understood by most tribes in that region, and means spear. The Hunikuin people have been using the ash of this plant in their Rapé's since mythological times. It makes a strong, dark and unusual Rapé. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Kuntanawa Cumaru
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(Batch #2241) This delicate Kuntanawa was crafted with local organic Moi Tabaco, ashes from the Sapota tree and Cumaru seeds, giving it it´s sweet scent. This is a Rapé for concentration that gives us strength and firmness in the spiritual world and opens the gates to spiritual concentration. All medicines have their strength and their power, Cumaru has the power to give firmness, because it is a very big tall tree with a huge crown, he gives us “Astral firmness”. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gram. |
Kuntanawa Veia de Paje
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(New batch #5454). This is another exquisite Rapé featuring a unique plant from the Kuntanawá tribe, a thin vine known as “Veia de Pajé” or "Shaman’s Vein". Also referred to as the "Heart of the Boa Constrictor" due to its heart-shaped leaves, or simply "Jiboinha", meaning "Little Boa", this herb is utilised by the tribe for various magical practices in the forest. In Rapé preparations it wards off negative energies and attracts positive ones, acting as an energetic magnet. It is crucial to maintain a firm and focused mind to attract the right things. Additionally, it offers protection against jealousy and spiritual persecution, guiding us towards proper conduct and spiritual alchemy. More information can be found below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Moy Powder
pot, 60 ml, 30 gr |
Tabaco de Moi powder is highly sought after in the production of Rapé. Its mild flavor and grounding effects make it an ideal choice for those seeking clarity, focus, and a connection to the earth during spiritual practices. The sweet aftertaste and pleasant aroma contribute to a refined, gentle Rapé experience, making it a popular choice for those who prefer a more balanced, uplifting blend. The finely ground powder is perfect for crafting personal Rapé blends. When combined with ashes in a simple 50-50 ratio, it produces a powerful yet harmonious Rapé, reminiscent of the traditional blends used by indigenous tribes throughout South America. Detailed information can be found below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 30 gr. |
Nukini Forca
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(New Batch #5049). Nukini Força is one of the most popular and sought-after Rapé blends available today. Expertly crafted by the Nukini tribe, using a unique combination of ingredients that have remained a well-guarded secret for over 12 years. At its core, Nukini Força is prepared with Tabaco de Moi, renowned for its grounding and spiritually potent properties, and ashes from the Tsunu tree. The blend is further enhanced by five secret herbs and flowers, ingredients known only to the Nukini people. The Nukini tribe is known for their profound connection to nature, infusing their Rapé with love, strength, and a deep reverence for the natural world. Nukini Força is designed to warm the heart and soul, delivering just the right amount of intensity. More information can be read below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Nukini Trevo Cumaru
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(New Batch #8145) A powerful Rapé from our favourite supplier in Brazil. Made with local dark tobacco and Parika ashes, and Trevo Cumaru (Justicia pectoralis). Sometimes refered to as Chambá, The dried leaves contain compounds that produce a Vanilla-like smell. The Wajacas (shamans) refer to the leaves of the Justicia pectoralis as "Bolek-Bena" meaning "Leaves of the Angel of Death". More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Nukini Yemanja
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(New batch #8811) Nukini Yemanja. A beautiful powerful Rapé from the Nukini Rapé masters bring the force of their Rapé blended with the softness of white roses. Another masterful Rapé that brings the power of the feminine in this mystery of the sacred Tabaco. This Rapé is crafted with Tabaco de Corda, Tsunu and white roses. After studying the medicines, the right lunar position and so on they made a just beautiful medicine. Almost silky in texture and smelling friendly. Yet, the sting is surprisingly intense and gentle at the same time. More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gram. |
Orchid Fever
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(Batch #6580). Orchid Fever 3.0 is a one-of-a-kind, famous non-tribal Rapé that has become a must-have for the true Rapé connoisseur. As one of the most popular blends we've ever produced, this Rapé is part of our prestigious trinity, alongside Clarity and Pineal Flush. The initial effect of Orchid Fever 3.0 may seem moderate, but it soon transitions into a warming rush. A rise in temperature follows, and a subtle, floral "fever" spreads through the body, bringing warm, comforting tones. This blend gently washes over the user, clearing away lingering negative energies and quieting mental chatter, leaving you in a serene, flower-filled mental space. Detailed information can be read below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |
Sabia Powder
pot, 60 ml, 30 gr |
The most sought-after Tabaco is known as Sabiá. It stands out as one of the most potent and revered varieties of Nicotiana Rustica. Its rich history, traditional production methods, and versatile use in Rapé and other Tabaco products make it a valuable component of Brazilian Tabaco culture. The craftsmanship involved in its cultivation and preparation reflects the deep knowledge and heritage of the communities that produce it, ensuring that Sabia Corda Tabaco remains a vital part of both traditional and modern practices. The fine powder is ideal for personal Rapé blends. When mixed with ashes in a simple 50-50 ratio, it creates a potent yet balanced Rapé, similar to traditional blends used by indigenous tribes across South America. Detailed information can be found below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 30 gr. |
Yawanawa Daime
pot, 60 ml, 40 gr |
(Batch #9954). This highly sought after Rapé has been prepared by a Daime community and is considered an extremely special blend. Specifically Parika ashes make this Rapé active in antibacterial properties which in turn helps the user to stay clear, focused and strong in extreme and physically difficult environments. Very balanced energy overall with minimal powder reaching the back of the throat makes this preparation perfect for the beginner as well as the regular user. More information below. Packed in 60 ml clear plastic pots containing 40 gr. |