Raw Arapiraca
Arapiraca is a city in the state Alagoas and they are one of the main producers of Tabaco, mainly rope Tabaco or “Tabaco de Corda” as it is called in Portuguese, but also cigars. The process is quite different though; cigar Tabaco is dried and cut while the Corda is fermented. |
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Raw Mapacho
A Mapacho Maso is a tightly wrapped bundle of jungle Mapacho leaves (Nicotiana Rustica) that is fermented into a deep brown solid and juicy mass. |
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Raw Moi
Tabaco de Moi which is a Nicotiana Rustica variety, is one of the most beautiful and sweet of all Rustica types available. The scent is just divine. Our Moi Tabaco comes from the reserve in the upper Jurua region. The name Moi refers to the shape and way of packing, like the Peruvian Mapacho "masos". |
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Raw Sabia
The most sought-after Tabaco variety of late is known as Sabiá. It is one of the stronger Tabaco types around and it has a pleasant natural flavour. Many Tabaco varieties are sauced and that affects the aroma of the Rapé. This one is natural, although it has a potent flavour. It comes in the rope format (corda) like most Rustica Tabacos from Brazil. |
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