

‘Doctor cures diseases, but nature heals’. - Hippocrates.

The ancients said: "You can find as much medication in nature as there are diseases".

Mumijo (in Greek means "Keep your body")is known to the mankind more than 2,500 years. List of indications to use Mumijo was so broad that it allowed to attribute it almost miraculous properties. The first mention of Mumijo was found in the writings of Aristotle. The extant ancient manuscripts written in Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Tatar, Hebrew and many other languages, with striking unanimity affirms that Mumijo cures diseases of the stomach, intestines and kidneys, tuberculosis and asthma, leprosy, paralysis and inflammation, sick heart and pelvis. It helps in case of poisoning of vegetable, animal and mineral origin, diabetes, wounds, ulcers, burns, boils, carbuncles, "elephant legs" stuttering, dissolves tumours and wonderfully influences union of fractured bones. It was believed that Mumijo is not only treats the disease, but also has a positive effect on the mental state of a person, it helps with unhappy love. Mumijo does not concede ginseng by toning effect. The ancient oriental proverb says: "Only Mumijo saves from death."

Mumijo – is an ancient "miraculous balm", natural products bleeding out of rocks’ crevices hardly accessible for humans, it is a mysterious supernatural, generic drug. Using a Mumijo for medicinal purposes began in ancient times and accounts more than three thousand years. Its composition includes 28 chemical elements, 30 macro- and micro elements, 10 different metal oxides, 6 amino acids, a number of vitamins, essential oils, fatty acids. All this so successfully combined nature in one substance that it heals variety of medical disorders. In any pharmaceutical drugs only 36 items can be artificially combined, while Mumijo consists of 50 components, picked by nature.

Mumijo activates mineral metabolism, under it increases calcium, potassium and phosphorus in blood - important building materials that make up bone. Under its influence, increases the number of red blood cells and increases haemoglobin level, which contributes to a better blood supply to the damaged tissue and beneficially effects processes of nervous activity, it dissolves tumours and pimples, causes an increase in bile secretion. It is very effective in diseases caused by vascular sclerosis, successfully used against varicosity and thrombophlebitis.

Mumijo is very effective in treatment of bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, dropsy, kidney stones and many other diseases. Mumijo is a powerful immuno-stimulator, has a general toning, wound healing effect.

In the course of studying Mumijo DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION have been established.

Mumijo should be taken on empty stomach in dry or dissolved form. In the first case, it is recommended to take the supplement with water, tea or milk. The dosage depends on the age and general condition of the patient.

The supplement is non-toxic and has no contra indications.

The recommended quantity of Mumijo per day:
Adults: 0.2 - 0.6 g.
Children (6-12 y.o.): 0,1 - 0.3 g.
Children (under 6): 0.05 - 0.15 g.

In most recipes recommended daily dose is 0.2g.

Separate 0.2 gram of Mumijo with clean hands and roll a ball with a diameter of about 6 mm, the size of a black pepper pea. After 10 days of treatment, there should be 5 day break, and then conducted a second course of treatment. For fractures of large bones it is recommended to spend three or four courses of treatment.

Wise Avicenna in his famous work "The Canon of Medicine" wrote: "The mountain wax - an indispensable tool for sprains and fractures, it heals drops and bumps, remove paralysis, strengthens the stomach and makes breathing easier, makes the heart young and joints mobile, gives strength to muscles and bright eyes. It is useful, and the young men that meets the spring, and the men, standing on the threshold of the autumn of my life". Avicenna recommended to conduct courses of treatment for 20 days in spring and autumn.

Recipes for treatment certain diseases.

BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia):
Ingestion 0.2-0.5 grams Mumijo with carrot juice, sandthorn or blueberry 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment 25-28 days, then 10 days off. Perform 2-3 courses.

1. Dissolve Mumijo to a concentration of 1g/litre of warm water. Take once a day, in the morning: children 1-3 y.o. - 50 ml, 4-7 y.o. - 70 ml, 8 years and older - 100 ml.
If the allergy is severe, you can repeat the prescription of the day, but the dose be halved.
Mumijo has diuretic and laxative effects. With eczema rashes use a more concentrated solution - 1 gram per 100 ml of water. Action of Mumijo is usually very strong: even swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, causing snoring at night of very young children stops in first days of treatment. But even in this case it is necessary to carry out a full course of treatment for at least 20 days. Avicenna recommended to conduct courses of the durations of 20 days in spring and autumn.

2. Eruptions of the skin, use a stronger solution: 5-8 grams of Mumijo dissolve in 0.5 litres of water. Take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

Sore throat:
0.3 grams of Mumijo - 3 times a day slowly dissolve in the mouth. If the taste is unpleasant, you can remove a teaspoon of warmed honey. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Atony of bowel (constipation):
1. 2 grams of Mumijo dissolved in 1 litre of boiled water. Drink 100ml on an empty stomach The course of treatment - 10 days.

2. 10 grams Mumijo dissolved in 0.5 litre of water. Take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach with cold water. The course of treatment for one month.

Arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain, paralysis:
Make a hot compress on the night with Mumijo solution (15 grams of Mumijo for 200 ml of water).

Men and women's infertility, decreased sexual function or poor-quality sperm:
Ingest 0.2 - 0.3 grams of Mumijo with carrot. buckthorn or blueberry juice 1-2 times a day in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before sleep (in proportion of 1:20). The course of treatment lasts 25-28 days. Increased sexual function could occur on the 6-7th day.

Bronchial asthma:
1. Take 0.2-0.3 grams of Mumijo mixed with milk or with butter and honey in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before sleep (in proportion of 1:20) with rinsing. It is necessary to take 1 to 3 courses of treatment depending on the severity of the disease. The course of treatment 25 - 28 days, with a 10-day break.

2. Course - 1 month and 3 weeks, it will need 35 grams of Mumijo. In severe cases, drinking 7% solution Mumijo. Application scheme. 10 days to 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach, drink 0.5 cups of warm milk, with a 10 days break.

3. Dissolve 0.5 grams of Mumijo in a 500 ml of liquorice decoction. Take 200 ml of solute (for children up to 8 years reduce the portion) 1 times a day in the morning. Store the solute in refrigerator. After two days prepare a new solute.

Suck 0.3 grams of Mumijo 2 times a day. Drink 1.6% solution of Mumijo and 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

Stomach pain:
15 grams of Mumijo divide into 45 portions (in the form of tablets or dissolved in 45 tablespoons of boiling water).
Take 1 serving 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before eating. Keep diet during and after treatment for 15 days.

Articulate pain, pimples on the face:
Prepare a universal emulsion: 4 tubes of cream mix with 15 grams of Mumijo. For better dissolution, the mixture should be kept for 24 hours. The emulsion should be applied to the affected area 1 time a day 3-4 hours before sleep (do not rub). Before going to bed, rinse with warm water and baby soap. Store the emulsion in the refrigerator tightly sealed. The course of treatment: until recovery.

Inflammatory, allergic and chronic diseases, sore throat, rheum, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, sneezing, coughing:
1. Accept Mumijo at 0.2-0.3 grams in a mixture with milk or cow's fat and honey in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening at bedtime (in proportion 1:20), and at night, dab the surface of an inflamed area (nostrils, throat) in the same composition with a swab or rinsing (when tonsillitis). The course of treatment lasts 25 - 28 days with a 10 day break.

2. In the case of tonsillitis put a piece of Mumijo (0.3 grams) under the tongue and suck until completely dissolved. Can be mixed with honey or chocolate if bitterness is felt in the mouth. Take 3 times a day. The course of treatment - no more than 10 days.

Inflammatory processes of genitals:
Prepare a solution of 1 litre of water for 20 grams of Mumijo. Take 3 times a day for 0.5-1 hour before meal for 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment 30 days, with a break of 5 days, take as long as all the solution will be used.

Inflammation of the middle ear:
Prepare a solution of Mumijo: 2 grams per 100 ml of water. Insert moistened swab in the ear in the morning and evening. Continue until complete recovery.

Inflammation of the breasts:
Take 0.2 - 0.3 grams of Mumijo in a mixture of milk or a cow fat and honey in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening at bedtime (in proportion 1:20), first days take 0.2 grams of Mumijo 3-4 times a day (5-6 days).

Hair loss, burns alopecia:
Prepare a 1% solution of Mumijo (1 gram per 100 ml of water) in infusion of burdock and peppermint in a ratio of 1:1. Mix burdock root and mint. Brew 1 table spoon of the mixture in 1 cup of boiling water. Dilute Mumijo and rub into the scalp 1 time a day. In case of burns alopecia, dissolve 3 grams of Mumijo in 150 ml of water. Dab the solution into the centre of alopecia once per day.

Sluggishness of the body, impotence:
1. 1st stage - dissolve 2 grams of Mumijo in 10 tablespoons of water and take 1 time a day 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. Break - 5 days. 2nd stage - dissolve 2 grams of Mumijo in 10 tablespoons of water and take as in the first stage, and at night 0.1 grams of Mumijo with 1 teaspoon of honey. Break - 10 days. 3rd stage - is exactly the same and the first one. Break - 5 days. 4th stage – dissolve 3.5 grams of Mumijo in 10 tablespoons of water, take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. Break 10 days. After the break repeat the 1st and 2nd stage with 5 day break. Course of treatment: 95 days with intervals. On the course you need 20 grams of Mumijo.

2. Mix 0.15 - 0.2grams of Mumijo with egg yolk and honey. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening before bedtime for 4 weeks. Throughout the duration of the use of Mumijo do not drink alcohol, because it nullifies Mumijo effect.

3. If mixed with carrot juice (0.5 grams of Mumijo per 250 ml. of juice) Mumijo increases sexual potency.

Ingest preferably on an empty stomach, 1-2 times a day, morning and evening, before bedtime, for 25-28 days. This 1 course of treatment, you can repeat it in 10 days in advanced stage of disease. The required number of Mumijo for one-time use depends on body weight: 70 kg - 0.2 grams, 80 kg - 0.3 gram to 90 kg. 0.3-0.4 grams, more than 90 kg - 0.4-0.5 grams. Dissolve Mumijo in milk preferably at a ratio of 1:20, or in water, add honey to taste or alternate dissolving in juice (grape, cucumber), parsley herb, cumin, blueberry, egg yolks. During the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs (liver, spleen), and so on it is especially important to observe moderation in food. Alcohol is contraindicated.

Sinusitis (sinusitis), runny nose:
Make a 10% solution Mumijo with peach oil, drip in nose 4 drops 5 times a day. Ear: 3% solution of Mumijo in peach oil - 3 drops 3 times a day in warm form and apply a heating pad.

1. Take on an empty stomach 2 times a day (morning and evening before going to sleep), 0.2 grams of Mumijo. Most recommended in this case - a constant lubrication of the anus to the depth of 10 cm. (Mumijo mixed with honey in the ratio 1: 5-1: 8). The course of treatment (25 days), repeat after 10 days of rest, and lubrication to continue 3-4 months with a month break. Haemorrhoids cure occurs within 6-8 months. The best effect is achieved when Mumijo is used in a mixture with peach oil or milk fat in the same proportions for simultaneous ingestion and lubrication (large quantity of Mumijo is required per course).

2. Dissolve 0.2-0.8 grams of Mumijo in 1/2 teaspoon of milk, mix with flour and mold a candle. After 3 hours after dinner before going to bed, insert candle into the anus. Simultaneously, take 0.2 grams of Mumijo in form of solution or pills. The course of treatment - 10 days. If necessary, repeat in 5-10 days.

Prepare a 3% solution of Mumijo. Take it for 21 days, according to the following scheme:
- 7 days 30 drops 3 times a day, increasing to 60 drops.
- 7 days 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
- 7 days, 1 teaspoon three times a day, reducing to 30 drops.
Wash down with juice.

1. Once a day - at night, 1 hour after a meal, take 0.15 - 0.2 grams of Mumijo in the solution. Drink for 10 days, rest for 5 days. After taking 6 grams Mumijo, take a break for a month. It is necessary to conduct 2-3 courses.

2. 21 days without a break, a break between courses 10 days. Method: a course of treatment is necessary to prepare 400 ml of a 2% solution of Mumijo. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meal. Single dose: 1st week - 40 drops, 2nd week - 1 teaspoon, 3rd - 1 tablespoon. A course requires 8 grams of Mumijo. Repeat 3-4 courses.

Take Mumijo 0.2 grams 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before eating. Drink for 10 days, then 5 days break. Perform 3-4 courses.

Purulent inflammatory and infected wounds, festering sores:
Lubricate the affected area with 10% solution of Mumijo.
Purulent otitis:
Drip in the ear 0.4 grams of a mixture of Mumijo with rose oil in the ratio of 1:10, 2 times a day, morning and evening, before bedtime. At the same time take 0.2-0.3 grams of Mumijo inside in a mixture of milk and honey, it enhances the outflow of pus and reduces inflammation.

Drink 0.2 grams of Mumijo at night for 10 days. Repeat the course after 5 days of rest.

Influenza and other viral infections:
Take 0.2 grams of Mumijo twice a day for the prevention. If ill, increase the dose at 1.5 - 2 times.

Dyspepsia (heartburn, nausea, belching, vomiting):
Take 0.2 grams of Mumijo with milk or honey or dissolved in tablespoon of tea or boiled water, 2 times a day - morning and evening before bedtime.

Gastrointestinal diseases:
The course of treatment - 30 days. A course requires 25 grams of Mumijo. Drink 3% solution (3 grams per 10 ml)

1st stage: Day 1 - 5 drops of 1 times a day, day 2: 8 drops, 3rd day: 10 drops, from the 4th day add 3-4 drops daily until amount achieves 1 teaspoon;

2nd stage - 2 teaspoons on empty stomach;

3rd stage - 1.5 teaspoon on an empty stomach.

Gallstone disease:
Dissolve 1 gram of Mumijo in 1 litre of water. Drink 3 times a day 200 grams of solution 30 minutes before a meal. Take 10 days, 5 days off. The full course requires 12 grams of Mumijo.

Women's diseases, tissue defects of female genitals (erosion of the vaginal wall and cervix and other inflammatory processes):
1. Before and after the menstrual cycle apply a well soaked with 4% solution of Mumijo cloth on an eroded space and fix it by using a tampon. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks long, after which, if necessary, repeat it after 10 days. Along with course of treatment ingestion of Mumijo is recommended - 0.2 grams 1 time a day, which significantly reduces the time of therapy. During treatment it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse. Treatment is preferably carried out at night.

2. The erosion of the uterus - 2.5% solution of Mumijo. Use tampons at night.

Stuttering: For the treatment mix of 0.2 grams of Mumijo extract with honey in the ratio 1: 5, 1: 8. The duration of 4 months. Smear the tongue with mixture of honey and Mumijo.

The disease of the gums, teeth, oral mucosa:
Take 0.2 grams of Mumijo 1-2 times a day (required before bedtime) for 25 days with milk and honey, or a water solution in a ratio of 1:20 with simultaneous application of 5% Mumijo solution.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal organs (neuro-dermatitis, plexitis, neuralgia):
Rub (for 5-6 minutes) 8-10% solution of Mumijo (preferably alcohol) in the painful areas for 20 days. Repeat the treatment after 10 days. At the same time take Mumijo (0.2 grams) of milk and honey in a ratio of 1:20.

Liver disease:
Dissolve 3 grams of Mumijo in 3 litres of boiled water. Take 20 ml of solution 3 times a day 30 minutes before meal. Drinking with juice of sugar beet is recommended. Take 10 days. Then rest for 3 days. In the course of treatment requires 15 grams of Mumijo.

Kidney disease:
Course - 21 days. Drink 7% solution (7 grams per 100 ml). The first 7 days drink 0.5 tsp. Next 7 days - 1 teaspoon. The last 7 days - 1.5 tsp. Wash down with mineral water. The course requires 30 grams of Mumijo.
Latch. Drink 0.2 grams of Mumijo in the morning on an empty stomach, dissolved in water.

Take 0.5 grams of Mumijo 2 times a day. The course of treatment 10 days, then 5 days off. Repeat 3-4 course, then a break for 3 months. Continue treatment until the restoration of normal function of the limbs and body.

Myocardial infarction:
0.2 grams per 150 grams water - 3 times as needed in small quantities (100 ml).
Stones in the bladder. Dissolve 1 gram of Mumijo in 1 litre of boiled water. Take 1 glass 3 times a day until complete recovery.

The stones in the gall bladder:
1 gram Mumijo per 1 litre of water. Drink 200 ml of solution 3 times a day 30 minutes before a meal. 10 days to drink – 5-days break. The course requires 12 grams of Mumijo.

0.05 grams of Mumijo to give the child at night. For a full course 0.15 - 0.25 grams are required.

Bone tuberculosis processes (hip, knee, spine):
Take 0.1-0.2 grams of Mumijo in admixture with milk, honey in a ratio 1:20 2 times a day for 25 days, then repeat after 10-days break.

Bleeding from the nose:
Drip in each nostril mixture of 0.1 grams of Mumijo with camphor oil in a ratio of 1: 5-1: 8 (0.2 grams per reception). Bleeding stops after 2 courses of treatment for 25 days with 10-days break.

Treatment of diseases of blood:
The course - 35 days. On the course you need 50-100 grams of Mumijo. Drink 3% solution (3 gram per 100 mL). Scheme: 10 days - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meal, 10 days - 1.5 teaspoon 3 times a day before meal, 10 days - to 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meal, 5 days - 1.5 dining spoon 3 times a day before meal.

Migraine and other headaches:
1. Daytime take Mumijo inside - 0.2-0.3 grams of a mixture of milk and honey in proportion 1:20 2 times a day on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening before going to bed for 25 days, and at an advanced stage with repetition 10 days after treatment.

2. If headache, migraine, epilepsy, paralysis of body or facial nerve, weakness of organs: take 0.07 grams of Mumijo, mixed with juice or decoction of marjoram (grass) and drink; and when lethargy - 0,125 grams of Mumijo is mixed with a decoction of creeping thyme and elecampane high and consumed after boiling.

3. Headache - drink 0.2 grams of Mumijo at night 10 days, then 5 days break.

Brain Apoplexy:
0.2-0.3 grams Mumijo dissolve in 150 grams of water. 2 times a day. 12-54 grams per course.

Urolithiasis disease:
1 glass of Mumijo 1% solution 3 times a day with the juice of the sugar beet. 4-6 ten-day courses of treatment with a five-day break. During the treatment keep diet.

Water-salt metabolism malfunction:
10 rubbings into the skin of 20-30 grams of Mumijo. On the surface, moistened with warm water, apply a layer of Mumijo to the darkening of the skin (2-3 grams). Then massage in with hand in surgical gloves.

0.5 grams of Mumijo dissolve in 2 tablespoons of boiling water. Drip your nose with 3-4 drops 3-4 times a day with a cold. Will also help when polyps and headache.

Nephritis (kidney inflammation) chronic:
If the disease has calmed down, do not drink Mumijo, as it may cause aggravation. In acute nephritis Mumijo stops the decay and restores the kidney tissue. Dissolve 3 grams of Mumijo in 3 litres of boiled water. Take 1 cup 30 minutes before meal 3 times a day. The course of treatment - 10 days. If necessary, repeat after 5 days.

Zero acidity:
Dissolve 1 gram of Mumijo in 1 litre of boiling water. Take 3 times a day, one glass, before a meal to a complete cure. During treatment and 15 days after keep diet.

Violations of the Cardiovascular system:
1. Course- 21 day. You need 32 grams of Mumijo for a course (8 grams per 500 ml. of water). 7 days - 40 drops 3 times a day before meal, 7 days - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meal, 7 days - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meal. Wash down with warm mineral water or fruit juice. You can increase the amount of up to 1.5 tablespoons.

2. The course - 10 days. 8 grams of Mumijo dissolved in 500 ml of water. The scheme. 1st day - 0.5 teaspoon on an empty stomach, the 2nd day - also 3rd day - as well. On the 4th day of add 3-4 drops every day to bring up to 1 teaspoon. Mumijo gives strength throughout the body, especially the heart, destroys rheumatic processes, reveals blockages, eliminates stagnation and regulates the water-salt metabolism. Enhances the activity of sex glands, dissolves tumours.

Burns, boils, acne:
Dissolve 3 grams Mumijo in 100-200 ml of water and lubricate.

Tumors and wounds:
Methodic: 3% solution (0.3 g Mumijo per 10 grams of water) apply as compress 1 time a day - at night. Ingestion of 0.2 grams. The course of treatment - until cure.

1. on the peach or vaseline oil - 1 drop 3 times a day. Apply a warm heating pad after instillation.

2. For any inflammatory processes in the ear: take 0.35 grams of Mumijo mixed with pure rose oil and add the juice of unripe grapes. Consistency of solution depends on the severity of the disease - 1 to 3%. Drip the solution into the ear.

Chills, dizziness:
Take 0.2-0.3 grams of Mumijo mixed with milk and honey in a ratio of 1:20, 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed for 25 days, and at an advanced stage repeat the treatment after 10 days.

The deposition of salts:
5 grams of Mumijo good stir in 100 grams of natural liquid honey. Regularly lubricate the crispy (clicking) joints with this mixture. Simultaneously take 1 per day 0.2 grams Mumijo for 10 days, then - break 3 days, drinking until complete healing.

5 grams Mumijo per 90 ml of water. Take 1 tea spoon 1 time a day on an empty stomach. The break between courses - 5 days. Be sure to repeat the treatment 3-4 times. Make a break for three months and repeat treatment 2-3 times. A long course of treatment takes 15-20 grams of Mumijo. Course of treatment: 15 days.

Periodontal (gum denudation):
Take 2.5 grams of Mumijo dissolved in 100 ml of water, rinse your mouth in the morning and at night. Swallow the solution.

1. The course - 21 days. It takes 40 grams of Mumijo. Drink 2% solution (2 grams per 100 ml.). The circuit: 10 days - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meal, 10 days - 1.5 tablespoon; 3 times a day before meal, or 7 days - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meal, 7 days - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meal, 7 days - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meal. It promotes the growth of bone from the periosteum and the bone burn. Massive callus fills the gap between the bone fragments, resolves inflammatory changes. The next day there is improvement in the general condition, normal temperature, reduces swelling, increases mobility.

2. 5 grams of Mumijo drink 3 times a day before meal with 1 glass of milk. The course of treatment - 6 days.

0.2 grams of Mumijo overnight, the total dose of 6 - 12 - 18 grams depending on the degree of disease.

Pneumonia (lung inflammation):
The usual method for receiving - inhalation of 7% aqueous solution once a day and 0.2 grams inwardly overnight. Drink 0.2 grams of Mumijo at night, the total dose rates 06-12-18 grams depending on the stage and the severity of the disease.

1. The course - 45 days demands 50-100 grams of Mumijo, drink 5-7% solution. Scheme: 10 days - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meal, 10 days - 1.5 teaspoon 3 times a day before meal, 10 days - 1 table spoon 3 times a day before meal, 10 days - to 1, 5 tablespoon 3 times a day before meal, 5 days - 1 tea spoon 3 times a day before meal.

2. The course of treatment 13 days, a break - 5 days, repeat the course. 4 courses require 16 grams of Mumijo. Procedure: 60 ml of water for 4 grams Mumijo. Take 1 time a day 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach. Then a break - 4 months. Thereafter, repeat the 4-course treatment.

The sexual failure, impotence:The course of treatment 35 days, a break - 7 days to get a steady effect to conduct 2-3 courses. For the course you need 10 grams of Mumijo. Methodology: the course is necessary to prepare 400 ml of 3% solution. Take 3 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal. Dose: 1st decade - 1 teaspoon, 2nd decade - 2 teaspoons, 3rd decade - 1 tablespoon, past 5 days – 1.5 teaspoons.

Inflammatory processes of genitals:
Preparing of solution: 1 litre of water per 20 grams of Mumijo. Take 3 times 1 tablespoon daily for 0.5-1 hour before meal. The course of treatment 30 days, a break - 5 days, take until solution ends up.

Postinfarction condition:
It is recommended to ingest 1.6% solution according to the scheme: 1 day - 15 drops, 2nd day – 18 drops, 3rd day – 21 drops, 4th day – 24 drops, 5th day 5 – 27 drops, used the day - 30 drops, Day 7 - 33 Day 8 - 36, 9den - 39 Day 10 - 42 drops. Drink Mumijo twice a day for an hour before meal with warm milk or tea. Break 7-10 days. The course is repeated 5 times.

For the prevention of senilism doctors at ancient East recommended to take Mumijo regularly. Preparation of tonic composition of Mumijo: add a few drops of water to 6-8 grams of Mumijo, bring to a mushy state, add 500 g of honey, then mix thoroughly. Take a spoonful before meal 3 times a day. Store in a cool place.

Heart failure:
Take 0.2 grams of a solid Mumijo overnight, after 2-3 hours after dinner. Wash down with tea or milk. One course takes 2 grams of Mumijo. Repeat 4-5 courses. Total -10 grams Mumijo is needed. The course of treatment takes 10 days, break for 5 days.

Reduced immunity and vitality:
Mumijo regulates metabolic processes, normalises functional state of an organism and in moderate doses has no contraindications. You should know that Mumijo is afraid of temperatures above 37°C. High-quality Mumijo must be immediately dissolved in warm water and show no signs of turbidity. Dissolve 2 grams of Mumijo in 10 tablespoons of warm boiled water and take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. Then make a break for 5 days. The next 10 days take dissolved Mumijo as before and in addition - take 2 grams of Mumijo dissolved in 10 spoons of honey 3-4 hours after dinner, then have 5 days off. The next 10 days drink 2 grams of aqueous solution of Mumijo daily. For the fourth 10 days drink 0.2 grams of an aqueous solution and 0.2 grams of honey solution, then a break for 10 days. Totally - four 20-day courses. In severe and chronic diseases should take Mumijo with herbs, recommended for the particular disease, in dosing, depending on the weight of the person.

Lotions on tumours and wounds:
Take 3 grams of Mumijo per 100 ml of water. Compresses one time at night and ingest 0.2 grams.

Ingest of 0.2-0.5 grams of Mumijo with carrot juice, sea buckthorn or blueberry 2 times a day. The course of treatment 25 - 28 days, then 10 days off. Repeat 2-3 courses.

1. 2 grams of Mumijo mix with 2 grams of honey, rub into the affected area and leave overnight in the form of a compress. Repeat 5-6 times.

2. Thoroughly rub 2 grams of Mumijo and 7 grams of medical sulphur, you can add a few drops of water for viscosity. At night, rub sore spots with this mastic (best after a hot bath), make a hot compress.

Cancer, leukemia:
Mumijo has a stimulating effect on the peripheral blood, increases the number of red blood cells, haemoglobin increases. When blood cancer (leukaemia) take 0.2 grams of Mumijo 10 days, then 10 days with 0.3 g, then 10 days of 0.4 grams 3 times a day. The whole course of treatment - 30 days, followed by a 10-day break.
Mumijo should be taken early in the morning on an empty stomach (at 1.5 - 2 hours before meal) for 1.5 - 2 hours before lunch, at night at 3 - 4 hours after dinner. Upon receiving Mumijo desirably 20 - 30 min. to stay in bed.

All forms of cancer are healed by aloe with Mumijo:
Aloe should be at least 3 years old. Do not water for 5 days before cutting. Mince 400 grams of aloe leaves, add 0.5 litres of honey and 7 litres of good red wine, heated to 37 ° C, dissolve 2 grams of Mumijo in it. Infuse for 7 days in a cool dark place. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day one hour before meal for 1 month. Then increase the dose up to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Take 1 hour before meal for 2 months. If necessary, repeat the treatment. It should take only a natural red wine - it is disastrous effect on cancer cells.

Stretch marks on the skin:
Dissolve 1 gram of Mumijo in a spoonful of boiled water. Mix with 1 tube (80-100 g.) Baby cream (you can cellulite cream). Rub into the problem areas daily. Keep refrigerated.
Indigestion (heartburn, nausea, vomiting). Mix 0.2 g of Mumijo with a tablespoon of warm milk, strong tea or boiled water.

Mix 0.5 - 0.8 grams of Mumijo with any vegetable oil, eat inside and put on a place of pain.

Drink 2 times a day (in the morning one hour before a meal, and in the evening before a sleep) 0.2 grams of Mumijo in the solution. 10 days drink 5 days break. A course of treatment needs 10-12 grams/
5 days take 1.5 teaspoon 3 times a day in 30 minutes before eating. If you get nausea, drink Mumijo after a meal and drink 0.5 cups of warm mineral water.
4 grams Mumijo dissolved in 20 tablespoons of warm boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon (or 0.2 grams of dry Mumijo) in the morning, 30-40 minutes before breakfast and in the evening, 3 hours after dinner. After 5-10 days repeat the treatment, All you need to spend at least 3-4 courses.

Cardiac asthma:
Take 0.1 grams per 150 grams of water, 2 times a day. A course requires 12-36 grams.

Heart failure:
Take in solid or dissolved form every day, 3 hours after dinner, take 0.2 grams of Mumijo for 10 days. If necessary, repeat the treatment after 5-10 days.

Joints pain:
Mix 0.5 grams of Mumijo with 100 grams of liquid honey. Apply compresses at night and take in the morning 0.2 grams of Mumijo an hour before meal within 10 days. Perform 2-3 courses of treatment.

Scarlet fever:
Take 0.05 grams of Mumijo at night. The course requires 0.2 - 0.5 grams.

Reduced immunity and vitality:
Dissolve 2 grams of Mumijo in 10 tablespoons of warm boiled water and take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. Then take a break for 5 days. The next 10 days additionally drink 2 g of Mumijo dissolved in 10 spoons of honey 3 - 4 hours after dinner, then 5 days off. The next 10 days drink an aqueous solution of 2 grams of Mumijo. Fourth 10 days drink 0.2 grams of an aqueous solution and 0.2 g of honey, then a break for 10 days. Total - four 20-day's courses. In case of severe and chronic diseases take Mumijo with herbs, recommended for the particular disease, its dosing, depending on the weight of the person.

Chest injuries, sprains, bruises, muscle strain, trophic skin ulcers, fistulas, tumours, cuts and fractures:
1. Take the drug in doses of 0.2 - 0.5 grams in parallel with rubbing the affected area, the course of treatment - 25-28 days. After 10 days, if necessary, repeat the medication, continue rubbing the entire period of treatment without interruption.

2. When bruises with damage to the chest and its organs recommended to drink 0.2 grams Mumijo with a decoction of caraway.

3. 0.5 grams of Mumijo mix with rose oil and allow to drink and smeared fracture. Bones grow together very quickly.

1. Take 0.25-0.3 g of Mumijo inside 2 times a day within 25 days with the addition of Mumijo in a mixture with honey and milk in parts of 1:20 for 20-25 days with a 10-day break for the course treatment. Reduces pain, the degree of swelling and the volume of patient's limbs, increases the number of red blood cells, normalises ESR and WBC, other symptoms disappear , the haemoglobin content increases.

2. 8 grams of Mumijo dissolve in 0.5 l of boiled water and drink for 10 days, take 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach, repeat the course in 5 days. It is necessary to conduct 3-4 courses. Lubricate sore spots with 20% solution of Mumijo with peach butter or vaseline. 2 courses are enough.

Tuberculosis bronhoadenit:
Take 0.2 grams of Mumijo in а solution in the morning 30 minutes before meal. 10 days treatment, then 5 days break. Perform 3-4 courses.

2 grams of Mumijo divide into 10 equal parts or dissolve in 10 tablespoons of boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon or 0.2 gram of dry Mumijo 3 hours after dinner. Wash down with warm tea or milk. The course of treatment - 10 days. If necessary, after 5-10 days, repeat the treatment. Continue the treatment until complete recovery.

Take 0.2 grams of Mumijo for 10 days, can be mixed with any oil and 3-4 egg yolks. Apply the same mixture to the damaged area. Break for 10 days. For fractures of the average complexity mix Mumijo with a decoction of cumin, if liver is damaged - with juice and decoction of chicory.

Impairment of hearing:
Mix 0.35 grams of Mumijo with a small amount of pure rose oil, add the juice of unripe grapes, and put into the ear. It helps with deafness, ulcers and ear rot. Mumijo is also mixed with unsalted lard and drip in the ear. It helps with congenital deafness.

The course - 21 days - requires 60 grams Mumijo. Dilute 15 grams in 500 ml of water. Scheme: 7 days - 1 teaspoon of the solution 3 times a day 30 minutes before meal, 7 days - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meal, 7 days - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meal. Wash down with fruit juice or mineral water.

Drink 0.5-1 gram Mumijo (depending on the patient's weight), 2 times per day. The course is 10 days, then 5 days break. Total 5 -15 courses depending on disease degree.

Dissolve 2-3 grams Mumijo in a glass of hot water, do irrigation. Relieves pain, cramps within 10 minutes. Take the solution orally if acute cystitis. Prepare a solution in a ratio of 1 gram of Mumijo per 1 litre of boiled water. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day for half an hour before meal. Thoroughly dissolve Mumijo not in water, but in the pre-prepared decoction of liquorice root (1: 10).

Spurs on the feet:
Melt 100 grams of honey and 5 grams of Mumijo on a water bath; rub the sore spots for the night.

The thyroid gland:
For improving resorption of nodules and lymph exchange apply compresses with Mumijo: dissolve 0.2 g of Mumijo in 30 grams of water and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey. Spread ready-mix on a cheesecloth, fold in four layers and cover the entire front surface of the neck. Leave for an hour, rinse off with cold water.

Eczema limbs:
1. In the sauna or bath steam hands or feet in 5 - 6% solution of Mumijo. Simultaneously ingest 0.2 grams of Mumijo 2 times a day, morning and evening, before going to bed, with sea buckthorn juice or carrot juice (it is better to do steaming before going to bed for 30-35 minutes, for 25 days and continue after the 10-day break). When eczema it is possible to massage diseased areas instead of steaming with solution of Mumijo and sea buckthorn juice.

2. 2 grams of Mumijo dilute in 1 teaspoon of water and mix with 15 teaspoons of honey. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. Then 10 days break. Spend 3 courses.

Epilepsy, facial paralysis, lethargy organs, lethargy:
Mix 0.07 grams of Mumijo with juice or broth of marjoram (leaves) and give to drink, and when lethargy - 0,125 grams of Mumijo mixed with a decoction of creeping thyme and elecampane high and drink after boiling.

Duodenal ulcers:
The course - 29 days. You need 50 grams of Mumijo per course, take 3% solution on an empty stomach. Scheme: 10 days - 1.5 tablespoon 3 times a day before meal, 10 days - 1 tablespoon twice a day before meal, 9 days - 1.5 teaspoon 3 times a day before meal. Disappear hungry stomach pain, weakness, irritability, sleep disturbance. Regenerative processes start on an epithelium surface of the glands. Reduced vulnerability, catarrhal state of the mucous membrane.

Gastric ulcer:
For the treatment of this disease 0.25 grams Mumijo per kilogram of patient’s body weight Is required. For example, the patient weighs 80 kg. Therefore, 0.25 is multiplied by 80, we need 20 grams for the course. Since the treatment lasts for 14 days, and the drug must be taken 3 times a day, therefore divide the 20 grams to 42 portions. If you decide to take Mumijo in a dissolved form, dissolve 20 grams in 42 tablespoons of boiling water. If you decide to take Mumijo in a form of pills, divide 20 grams into 42 portions. Take medication 30 minutes before a meal, drink warm milk or tea with 1 teaspoon of honey. During and after treatment, keep diet at least 15 days.

Ulcerative colitis:
1. Enter into the rectum 30 ml of 10% aqueous Mumijo after defecation 2 times per day. Provide such procedures 10 times every other day (30 grams per course), 5 grams to 50 grams of water. Lie down on stomach 10 - 15 minutes.

2. Take (in liquid or solid form) 0.15-0.2 grams of Mumijo overnight 3 hours after a meal, 1 times a day for 10 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after 5-10 days, one or two courses.

Ulcerative disease of the bladder and ureters:
Drink 3 times 0.2 grams of Mumijo with warm milk, and at night squirt with a solution of 1 gram of Mumijo in 100 ml of warm water. In the course of treatment - 15 grams Mumijo.

% solution of Mumijo drip in the eye.
Mumijo interacts with all drugs, but special attention should be paid to the advising the product along with other aminophylline containing medicines.

Application of Mumijo in cosmetology:
It has long been known about the beneficial effects of the drug on hair. In case of loss, baldness, split hair rinse hair with this wonderful substance. It provides rejuvenating effect on a skin, cleanse it of acne and eliminates the stretch marks. A lot of recipes are known and here are some of them.
Dissolve 1 gram of Mumijo in 100 ml of infusion of burdock and mint. Prepare the infusion as follows: take in equal proportions burdock root and peppermint leaves.
1 tablespoon of the mixture brew as tea, in a cup of boiling water. When the mixture has cooled to a temperature of 40 ° C, dissolve Mumijo in it. Rub a mixture of 1 times a day into the scalp without rinsing.

To strengthen hair, for better growth, in case of dandruff or itching apply decoction of burdock with Mumijo (rinse your head after whining). To make a decoction take 10 - 20 grams of dried ground roots of burdock, brew with a cup of boiling water, leave for 10 - 15 minutes on the low heat, infuse, strain, add 1 gram of Mumijo per 100 ml of broth.
Mumijo is useful for the facial skin, especially weakened by unfavourable external conditions, or the morning after a well spent holiday when skin becomes sluggish, gets an unhealthy shade. In this case apply the ointment with Mumijo. Prepare the ointment in a conventional manner so that the substance contained 0.5% of the drug. The ointment shall be applied thin layer to the face, neck, arms. After half an hour wipe the remnants of an ointment with a light cleansing milk. Composition normalises metabolism in the skin, restores its elasticity and healthy colour.

To prepare the skin mask you need the contents of a tube of neutral cream (preferably a baby cream) mixed with 15 grams of Mumijo and leave the mixture on the day until the substance is completely dissolved. The enriched cream is used as a cosmetic mask weekly: on cleansed skin cream is applied. Leave for 20 minutes, then remove the excess with tissue. Store the mask is in a refrigerator.

Using a cream with Mumijo, you get the effect of the SPA!
To prepare the cream against stretch marks you need 4-5 grams of Mumijo and 80-100 grams of baby cream, baby cream (you can use any other cream similar in composition), convenient container for cooking and storage of cream.

1. dissolve Mumijo in teaspoonful of boiling water, stir to a state of the cream. Mix the cream with the baby cream, put into container.

2. dilute 4 grams of Mumijo in 50 ml of body milk. Apply to the problem areas in a circular motion every night for a month.
Mumijo can be applied on eyelashes, apply the solution Mumijo as mascara. Nice and helpful.

Store at a temperature of 5 - 25 С0 (41 – 77F0) tightly closed in a dark, cool place. At room temperature, not hermetically closed Mumijo solidifies due to evaporation of moisture contained in it, but does not lose medicinal properties. Aqueous solutions of Mumijo should be stored in the refrigerator not more than 15 days. Some researchers believe Mumijo has unlimited shelf-life, other referred to 40 - 50 years term.
What is the difference between Mumijo in the tablets and whole Mumijo?

Tableted Mumijo - is not a Mumijo. Pills are made of on a basis of Mumijo extracts. When tableting Mumijo undergoes chemical and thermal changes, after which it loses the main therapeutic properties. Also during tableting and encapsulation various components are added in it, so that the raw material acquired necessary physical and mechanical properties. These substances sometimes harmful to health. We also note that the experts are very skeptical about Mumijo in tablets and capsules.

The whole Mumijo - is a resinous, viscous, black or brown mass with a bitter taste and a particular scent of chocolate, bitumen and others.
Drinking alcohol is not recommended when taking Mumijo, as it nulls all the effect of Mumijo.

natural Mumijo, unlike the tableted and encapsulated, is not subjected to a heat processing that causes loss of beneficial properties though makes processing far cheaper.